Friday, October 1, 2010

The Cojones Cafe.

Do you have them?


Peter V. Bella said...

Now we know who the big hogs are.

jungatheart said...

lol...The Cojones Cafe.

I feel a series coming on...

Peter V. Bella said...

Where is Titus when you need him?

nino said...

Hey TRoop give us a hint...suspense is killing us...

Trooper York said...

No can do nino.

But I can tell you that I am not going to be one of the Real Housewives of New York.

Trooper York said...

Although they did offer me my own truck on Scappers.

john said...

I'm in the middle.

nino said...


nino said...

The Florida scene is starting to pick up.... New show for down here...THE 430PM DINNER CROWD...

john said...

Speaking of pigs, I settled into the couch this afternoon with my favorite drink, looking forward to non-stop TV coverage of THE GREAT MARCH ON WASHINGTON!

With this many organizations pledging to bring their all to our capital -

A. Philip Randolph Institute
All Hands on Deck
Amalgamated Local 171 UAW
American Federation of Teachers
American Friends Service Committee
American Rights at Work
Americans for Financial Reform
Black Leadership Forum, Inc.
Black Women’s Roundatable
Black Youth Vote
Brooklyn for Peace
California Black League of Voters
Campaign for America’s Future
Campaign for Community Change
Campaign for Peace and Democracy
Campus Camp Wellstone
Campus Progress
Center for Community and Economic Justice
Central Jersey Coalition Against Endless War
Charlie Fink Productions
Chicago Democratic Socialists of America
Chicago Teacher’s Union – AFT Local 1
Cleveland Peace Action
Coalition of Black Trade Unionists
Coalition on Human Needs
Code Pink
Coffee Party Progressives
Color of
Committee of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism
Communications Workers of America
DC Vote
Equality Wisconsin, Inc.
Ex-Offenders Association of PA
Fellowship of Reconcilliation
Fur Cultural Revival (Darfur Community Center)
Generation Change
Generational Alliance
Green For All
Human Rights Campaign
Injured Workers United
Institute for Policy Studies
Institute of Caribbean Studies
International Socialist Organization
Interfaith Worker Justice
International Union of Automobile Workers of America
Jewish Funds for Justice
Jewish Labor Committee
Jobs With Justice
Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights
Left Labor Project
Long Island C.B.T.U.
Maine Green Independent Party
Majority Agenda Project
Maryland and DC AFL-CIO
Midwest Academy
Minnesota Coalition for a People’s Bailout
National Action Network
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
National Black Law Students Association
National Black Police Association
National Coalition on Black Civic Participation
National Congress of Black Women
National Council of La Raza
National Domestic Workers Alliance
National Education Association
National Exhoodus Council
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
National Immigrant Solidarity Network
National Nurses United
National Union of Home and Health Care Employees
National Urban League
New England Region – AFSC
New Haven People’s Center
New Jersey Black Issues Coalition
Pax Christi USA
Peace Action
Peace Action Education Fund
Peace Action Maine
Peace and Freedom Party of California
People’s Organization for Progress
Pride at Work, AFL-CIO
Progressive Democrats of America
Rainbow PUSH Coalition
Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU)
Roosevelt Institute Campus Network
School of the America’s Watch (SoA Watch)
SEIU 1199
SEIU Local 32BJ
Teamster’s Local Union 808
The Gathering For Justice
The Maryland Black Family Alliance
The New Testement Revival Cathedral
The Other 98%
The Power Online
The William Kellibrew Foundation
Tikkun-Network of Spiritual Progressives
Transport Workers Union of America
UAW, International Union
Union of the Unemployed
Unite Here
United Food and Commercial Workers International Union
United Food and Commerical Workers Minority Coalition
United for Justice with Peace
United for Peace and Justice
United Mine Workers of America
United States Students Association
United Steelworkers of America
US Human Rights Network
US Labor Against the War
US Peace Council– Wisconsin
Veterans for Peace
War Resisters League
Ward 7 Business and Professional Association
Washington Peace Center
Welfare Rights Committee
Women’s Action for New Directions
Working America
Young People For ?

john said...

I just knew it was going to be a bang-up show.

Well shit, there didn't look like there was even 1 person per group. However I heard someone announce that "literally hundreds" of people showed up.

Al Sharpton was there; he said "I hope people look at the mall because this is what America looks like."

Did he mean that America looks like empty spaces of green mall grass (and litter)? I don't understand.

I think this event was sabotaged by some teabagger prankster who told everyone it was on Sunday.

john said...

Sorry that had nothing to do with pigs.

chickelit said...

Sorry that had nothing to do with pigs.

But it did take balls.

jungatheart said...

Troop, you're a natural for Project Runway. That would be a blast.

Michael Haz said...

Al Sharpton was there; he said "I hope people look at the mall because this is what America looks like."

Sorry, Rev. Al, but America is not covered with litter and paleo-hippy Marxists.

Jason (the commenter) said...

Sorry, Rev. Al, but America is not covered with litter and paleo-hippy Marxists.

You have to remember the parts of the country Sharpton frequents.

Jakester said...

Al Sharpton was there; he said "I hope people look at the mall because this is what America looks like."

Sorry, Rev. Al, but America is not covered with litter and paleo-hippy Marxists.

True, it is full of paranoid right wing morons who haven't grown out of 50s style red baiting, covert racism and are tasteless enough to take crap like this blog or Beck seriously

The Dude said...

Jakehole, it's not red baiting if they are admitted communists. Pay attention.

Trooper York said...

Hey Jakester, nice of you to drop by. Sorry if this blog is not to your taste. There are a lot of different people who stop by including some very progressive people like Ritmo, Garage Mahal and Hdhouse. So you are most welcome to join in. I need more diversity of opinion.

I have the right wing paranoid moron part covered. That's my spot.

Titus said...

Completely disgusting.

Show some class.

I expect more from you Troop.

Michael Haz said...

Titus, how's India?

Titus said...

There is no way any human could teabag those balls.

They are low hanging and incredibly large. They must have quite a bit of splooge in them.

Looking at them closely I believe they need to be relieved pronto.
