Sunday, March 31, 2013

May God bless our new Pope.

Pope Francis celebrated his first Easter Mass as Pope on Easter Sunday. He showed a humility and grace that bodes well for his stewardship of my faith.

I spent the day at Mass in the morning and then at a friends house where we had a great Easter dinner.

Other vile and hateful people spent the day trashing and mocking the Pope and my cousin Cardinal Dolan in the most disgusting way to get blog hits and comments. It is almost beyond belief how low some people will go.

Almost but not quite unbelievable.

What a sad, nasty and vile person.


rcocean said...

To be honest, I was somewhat disappointed by the Archbishop's performance on TV. I don't really understand why he went on a MSM show that doesn't like Christians in general, and Catholics in particular. But if you're going to do that, you should be better prepared.

rcocean said...

As for EBL, she has a long track record of this kind of behavior.

'nuff said.

Michael Haz said...

Yesterday was Easter Sunday. Blogger Lady always provokes Catholics on religious holidays. That's how "tolerance and diversity" are played out on the left.

Anyhow, she's given us a new toast to say when we raise our pints:

"Here's cock in yer eye."

The Dude said...

Yeah, I was reading some real hateful stuff over there. Baron Zemo didn't restrain himself when it came to spewing anti-Protestant verbiage. Thank goodness that TY is not like that hate-filled moron.

Baron Zemo puts the "big" in "bigot", that's for sure.

chickelit said...

I'm half German but we've been here since the 1700's. I bear absolutely no shame for what the Nazi's did except as a human being. This doesn't stop most people from sweeping them all into one tidy package to hate. The first day of high school (actually the orientation), my blond son got taunted right in front of me "Hey are you German?). It must have been hispanic code for white or something.

Troop likes to mock Germans too and I joined him once or twice: (Invasion of "Pooland" at the Seatuck Inn). I think if you can't laugh at yourself, you're pretty pathetic. But sooner or later, feelings get hurt.

Althouse first tried her "decent people" comment and then her sneering mock of "mom and dad" marriages, then her "you wouldn't believe what my liberal friends say" line. Today it could be something new and different. It's actually getting old to watch.

windbag said...

I'm not Catholic, but we're on the same team. I, too, pray that God blesses him.

Being in different denominations is sort of like being in the National League or the American League. As long at the American League loses, I don't care which team gets the credit.

Hey, the Mets are tied for first.

ricpic said...

Regarding rcocean's disappointment with Archbishop Dolan's answer to the usual why don't Catholics get with it and fall in line with the homosexual agenda question, I agree, Dolan danced around and apologized all over the place before finally stating the Church's position that homosexuality is a sin, period. The Church condemns the sin while couseling love of the sinner. That will never change for as long as the Church remains steadfastly orthodox. And it should be stated forthrightly.

I dout that even constant prayer can save the more disabled than abled Yanks this season

ndspinelli said...

When they elected a Jesuit I was heartened, and now I am more optimistic. The Jesuits taught me how to think.

Trooper York said...

The Cardinal was too politically correct. But he is more a politician than anything. That's what most cardinals are.

Especailly Tony Larussa.

Trooper York said...

The Baron only teases the Prods because they like handling snakes so much. Just sayn'

Chip S. said...

Luther vs. the Pope is so 16th Century.

A cock in yer eye is so Studio 54.

Red Sox / Yankees is here and now.

Game on, Trooper!!

MamaM said...

The Blogger Lady and the Baron have both creatively elevated provocation into an art form; maybe that's why they regularly butt heads and lop off each other's ears.

chickelit said...


Michael Haz said...

Nice job, Yankees, nice job.

Michael Haz said...
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Chip S. said...


MamaM said...
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ndspinelli said...

It's going to be a looong fucking year for TY. What a shame.

Michael Haz said...

So for $230 million, New York has bought a team that is starting the season with Alex Rodriguez, Derek Jeter, Mark Teixeira, Curtis Granderson and Phil Hughes on the disabled list. Those five players account for $90.3 million of the Yankees' $230 million payroll.

Long season ahead, Yankees fans.

Feels good, don't it? Heh.

Chip S. said...

The Yankees are a metaphor for the Obama economy.

Titus said...

I am not an atheist but don't attend any organized religious stuff.

I do meditate though.

And my downward facing dog it to die for.


chickelit said...

The Yankees are a metaphor for the Obama economy.

Chip, We're all Yankees now.

Chip S. said...

Best one yet, chick.

chickelit said...

Thanks Chip. Henceforth, I shall comment here only in bits of chirb.