Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The fish rots from the head.

I think it is now pretty clear that the Nutty Perfessor and Chauncey the gardener have been monitoring us here at little old Trooper York. Because what do they have a big post about today: I Love Lucy.

It seems that they downloaded an episode and looked up Ethel in Wikipedia. Kinda suspicious don't you think since I have been talking about Lucy the last few weeks?

When I closed the blog a bunch of people who I didn't know asked to join. If I didn't know anything against them I approved it. So I am sure Chauncey could be here under another name. Which is fine. I am not doing anything wrong here. And they are not blatantly using my content or quoting what I say. It is just every so often they slip up and show their hand.

I think it is kind of funny. And fair enough if they want to comment under a different persona just as I do over at TOP. A girl is entitled to change her mind. And her identity.

Oh and also they have lesbians today. So I thought this photo would be appropriate.


windbag said...

Does she teach at a law school or attend a middle school?

Chip S. said...

Here's something strange.

When I read the ILL post at TOP, I didn't get that theme song playing in my head the way I do with Lucy posts here.

Somehow TOP manages to suck the joy out of Lucy and Ricky. I wouldn't have thought that was possible.

Maybe it's the presence of that self-promoting twat from "Shecky: the Online Magazine Published by Two Comic Geniuses Nobody's Ever Heard Of".

Chip S. said...

I can see why she identifies w/ Ethel Mertz, tho.

I think that means Trooper and Lisa are the Ricardos.

Titus said...

I thought about that immediately when I saw that post.

They are rippin on you man.

MamaM said...

Not a slip, in my estimation, but part of a weird game, one that's been going on for a while, before and after the moo cows were tasered, the TY barn door closed and the tractor beam on the TOP portal tuned up to yield a 300% increase in return.

I didn't realize the extent of the warp, until I reread the linked post (along with the 359 comments) used to further explain, justify and bolster the foggy good faith policy.

What TY was doing defending "J", what the Hostess Who Stands Apart was doing spreading aspersions and copying remarks as if they were gold plated prize poop and how that whole kettle of fish was stirred into a simmering stew which has since cooled and rotted into mutual chum for trolling roiled waters is beyond my understanding.

It's enough to make me wonder about collective consciousness and karmic destiny.

Symbiosis,(Biology) A close, prolonged association between two or more different organisms of different species that may, but does not necessarily, benefit each member.

chickelit said...

I always confuse the Italian words pesce and pesche, calling a peach a fish and vice versa. I finally got it straight when I associated Joe Pesci with "swims with fishes."

TTBurnett said...

Last year, I read exactly three threads at TOP.

This year, I've already broken that record, looking at dozen or so, mainly to understand the fate of a few truly rotten people.

Why do I want to know? The internet is patrolled by an army of lunatics. A rational person ignores them and moves on.

As a Christian, however, I really should pray for them, shouldn't I? It's Lent, and I really should.

I'm serious. I'll let you know how it works out.

MamaM said...

The internet is patrolled by an army of lunatics..

Come now, TT. Why zero in on the internet for special attention when lunatics are everywhere? Even the toniest of places have them. They turn up in churches, schools, organizations, institutions, governments, families and communities wherever they form. Truth be told, wherever two or more are gathered, good shows up and so does the counterpart, sometimes within the same person.

I'm not sure what is meant by "patrolled", however, looking up the word yielded the origin. It comes from an alteration of Old French patouiller, to paddle about in mud

Regardless of how much splashing, splattering, rolling and patrolling in the mud takes place between the rational and unrational, it has always been and still is, only light that drives away darkness.

Chip S. said...

"All that is necessary for the triumph of the dull and vile is the abstention of the insightful and the good-hearted."

--Burke's Law of the Internet

windbag said...

The internet is patrolled by an army of lunatics.

The final boss of the internet.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Those tuna would sell for big $$$ in Tokyo.