Saturday, February 21, 2015

The Case of Wandering Detective

My dear Holmes,

It is your most humble petitioner, Inspector Lestrade. As you know it has been several years since I have last requested your assistance in the troubling matter of the disappearance of Lord Douchebag and over a year since we examined the obscene affairs of the odious Lady Chatterley and her grass stained lover. Today I must ask for assistance in an entirely different matter.

You will remember Inspector Bradstreet who so ably assisted your inquires in the matter of the Blue Carbuncle last Yuletide past. As I have previously noted the inimitable Bradstreet has become enamored with the discourse of a lowly penny dreadful publisher who is amazingly enough a solicitor! Inspector Bradstreet sends over notes and telegrams and posts every few minutes. He comments on the musings of every other person who contacts this somewhat pusillanimous prevaricator to the point of obsession that is most unseemly to a Detective of his stature at Scotland Yard. Inspector Bradstreet constantly touts the musings of this discourse and seeks converts and followers with the zeal of the most fanatic Spanish evangelist or an East End tart.

I must confess that this state of affairs has dumbfounded me as I had always considered Inspector Bradstreet as an estimable personage and fount of good common sense. It seems that he is obsessed with every single missive that comes in the post. He must provide a response to every such jot and tittle. Now it has become even more troublesome as it seems he has returned to the odious Salon of Lady Chatterley to post and riposte and otherwise act the fool and the jackanape. Even worse he has pursued a strange and revolting flirtation with a former nurse who has been banned from practice because of her habit of performing abortions and mercy killings of the elderly. I cannot prove it but I believe that she was originally solicited to the Salon by Lady Chatterley’s paramour to dispose of the addled chanteuse so that the gardener might inherit the estate. Inspector Bradstreet seems to have followed this soiled nightingale from Salon to Salon to continue their perverted intercourse. It beggars the imagination to determine what joy can be found in such foul doings but I am a simple man and rely on your vaunted sophistication and sublime intellect to provide some guidance in this most troublesome matter.

Please give my best to your brother Mycroft who I recall has moved to countryside of Yorkshire to work on his art. I know that he felt moving to the country would be salubrious and conducive to his health. I just hope that he can confine his attentions to farm animals and cease his attentions to young boys that has led to the unpleasantness with the Metropolitan Police. I do not know if I can smooth over another incident. Especially if it occurs in the countryside.  As you know goats don’t lie. Or speak. A word to the wise.

I remain as always,
Your obedient servant,
Inspector G. Lestrade
November 12, 1898


ndspinelli said...

Fuck sake! You stalk me more than Inga.

Trooper York said...


No staking involved dude.

Chip S. said...

Spinelli has returned to TOP???

Say it ain't so, nick!

chickelit said...

I made BLT sammies today, Nick.

Can I make one for you tomorrow, bitch?

Dust Bunny Queen said...


The drama never ends.

Hey. Chick. Did you get a chance to see Peaky Blinders? I hope you were able to understand what they were saying through their mumblemouthed Irish and Cockney accents.


Trooper York said...

I highly recommend the new Harry Bosch series on Amazon Prime. It's free for members and really well done. They are using a whole bunch of actors from the wire which is a really good sign.

The first two episodes were great.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Yes. Bosch. We watched that too. Love the books. They did a pretty good job of bringing it to the television without losing too much of the novel's flavor.

I see that Amazon prime also has a new series "The Man in the High Castle". I'm gonna give that a try tonight. Alternate history where the Germans won the war.

We are down to the last few Peaky Blinders and are expecting to see the next House of Cards (on Netflix) soon.

ndspinelli said...

I make a few comments on a Walker thread, taking a swipe @ the bitch, and it makes news!! You need to get a life. I actually comment over there infrequently. It's usually a short, acerbic one and done. Maybe a comment every couple months. I guess since it was a post about Trooper's man crush, Walker, he saw it. My swipes @ the bitch would get deleted, they don't get deleted anymore. They are desperate.

Trooper York said...

You yank the chain just a little and the puppy barks and barks.

Hee, hee.

Trooper York said...

If you enjoyed Peaky then I am sure you would enjoy "Copper" and even better "Ripper Street" which is excellent.

Trooper York said...

Or you could just rent Barnaby Jones to see what Nick's life is all about.

Trooper York said...

Now if you want to see my life just rent "Easy Money."

I don't get any respect!

chickelit said...

@DBQ: Not yet. But I will, you can count on that. And I never forget your recommends!

ndspinelli said...

I thought I was Cannon.

Trooper York said...

You lost weight but you got old.

MamaM said...

It beggers the imagination indeed!

KCFleming said...

Hey, it's always good to go back and piss on old lady Bandersnatch once in awhile. Truth is, there ain't a good place for honest discussion anywhere. I'm increasingly intransigent and unfit for company. I see nothing but danger ahead. Althouse was a place where I met some good and interesting people, but she was and is unstable. Too bad. Nick's a good guy. I don't blame him for trying to create a good forum to replace Althouse's. She was unworthy if our time.

TTBurnett said...

I've got to ask Pogo why he would want to have an honest discussion on the internet? Or anywhere else, for that matter. In this day and age?

The 50's were famous for their conformity. Our current society, as far as I can see, has gotten beyond that. We conform to very different standards, but anyone who aspires to the middle class (a smaller segment of society than the 50's) can be sure that every detail of his or her life and utterances are accounted for somewhere. This is not tinfoil had land, but well-known technical fact. You have a narrow range of options if you want to stay in polite company and perhaps not suffer other, more indirect consequences.

That is why I've long since stopped having political opinions. I've learned to love bandying pleasantries and posting obscure witticisms on Facebook. That is about the limit of my online life, and even so occupies too much time. It's a course I nevertheless recommend to anyone with a social media urge, along with slowly withdrawing from online distraction to work on your own sins and failings in private.

As for the rest of the larger noises of society, there's nothing you can do about any of them, except make your own life worse. I've finally, belatedly, begun to understand this.

So, I'll be happy to trade jokes about Bach's Coffee Cantata or bass clarinets, and sympathize about your leaking roof. Whether Obama loves America, or what anyone thinks about that, has absolutely nothing to do with prolation canons, photos of my friends' ice dams, or witticisms about 18th century cantata lyrics, and therefore is not of the slightest interest to me any more.

Trooper York said...

I think it's great that Nick is trying to kick start a new forum at Turley's. He said he doesn't want an echo chamber and that is fair enough.

But with the likes of Inga and this happie puppies person it seems like the roadshow of a bad Ken Kersey novel.

Personally I am loyal to Lem and would like to help him stay afloat. I think he could use the dough and is a good man. Whatever free time I have (and it's not much) will be devoted to helping him if I can in some small way.

But everyone should do what they think is best.

Trooper York said...

What I loved best about your comments Tim was when Sir
anarchy or the blogging cockroach made an appearance.

That was not really contentious political stuff. Just pure fun.

Trooper York said...

That is Sir Archy of course.

Trooper York said...

By the way I am pretty sure that happy puppies is really Carole Herman.

TTBurnett said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TTBurnett said...

Well, Sir Archy told me he admired Captain Halley (of Comet fame), who, when asked what he thought on the Revolution (the Glorious one that sent James packing in 1688) said, "I'm for the King in possession. We pay dear enough for our Protection, and ought to have the Benefit of it." Meaning, any king is better than none, and certainly better than Cromwell. A practical man, that future Astronomer Royal.

MamaM said...

...ask Pogo why he would want to have an honest discussion on the internet? Or anywhere else, for that matter...

My desire is to have an honest discussion with whomever I meet.

That I what I want. Although it isn't what happens much of the time, when honesty and openness is present connection is realized. BooM! Just like that.

I believe it is impossible to know or control the effect one has on another. Withdrawing may be a choice necessary for self-care, but we are relational beings, created for more than level 1 and 2 discourse.

KCFleming said...

All I can say is that
Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul.

Even amidst calumny and mendacity and threats and ill will, I still learn new things every day, find new places and thoughts.

I very much doubt I impact anyone's beliefs, and so perhaps it'd be better were I never to write at all, but the Irish in me can't let the PC police run things without at least having them get kicked in the shins for it.

ricpic said...

A very interesting comment from TT. All I can say is that it's a matter of what stage of life you're at. I'm near the end and so I just say any damned thing that comes to mind and devil take the hindmost. But I can understand that if you are in your middle years and more important have hostages to fortune (children, wife) it might well be the better part of valor to withdraw. Or at least limit your comments to the innocuous. There's a better word than innocuous...inoffensive? But it's fun to give offense! A matter of temperament.

ndspinelli said...

Trooper, In that regard, I just poked the crazy buttons on Inga big time on the Guv Bruce thread. It brought in mespo and Elaine who I know are on JT's shit list. Emails to JT @ giving succinct accounts of how toxic Inga has been on 3 other blogs, making her a pariah, might be helpful. I'm sure he's pissed @ me for stoking her, but I want her gone and bringing out the crazy is the only way to do it.

ndspinelli said...

It is not an either or. I comment here LOYALLY, I comment @ Lem's LOYALLY. I comment @ TOP infrequently and get called out on it. If you want comments, be interesting. Fuck, I comment here and @ Lem's even when it's lame!! Just sayn'!

ndspinelli said...

Happy Pappies real name is Leslie Goudy. She is a slightly disturbed, sweet woman, who takes care of a her husband, who is a veteran. She lives in Cape Girardeau, Mo. I email w/ her.

Trooper York said...

Never said was either or. I am just busting balls.

Michael Haz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
blake said...

I have, on occasion, over the past few months attempted to have honest conversations on the Internet. But the well appears to be thoroughly poisoned.

They weren't with people I disagreed with, particularly. I was just curious about this point or that particular. The responses near took my head off.

We have the conversational equivalent of a Mexican standoff.

chickelit said...

We have the conversational equivalent of a Mexican standoff.

I had one of those on Twitter last night. I yelled at a woman tweeting from Cairo who was busting on Chris Kyle. Sight unseen, I just exploded at a stranger. Twitter is perfect for those scenarios. But, for all I know, he/she was some dude I've already encountered, just pushing people's buttons. That's the downside of internet communication. Unless you trust the person there will never be much more than a high five or a pile on.

chickelit said...

I was also fixing a leaky toilet which put me a shitty mood.

ndspinelli said...

Call DBQ's husband.

MamaM said...

Two years ago, I came upon this quote and it turned up again last Friday:

A well differentiated leader has clarity about his or her own life goals, is less likely to become lost in the anxious emotional processes swirling about, who can remain separate while still remaining connected and therefore can maintain a modifying, non-anxious and sometimes challenging presence...someone who can manage his or her own reactivity to the automatic reactivity of others and therefore be able to take stands at the risk of displeasing."

Edwin Friedman, Failure of Nerve

Or according to ee's corned beef about the battle: To be nobody - but -yourself-- in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else--means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.

Nick was instrumental in helping JT change the tone at Turleys, along with an infusion of new commenters who have the ability to participate as a "modifying, non-anxious, sometimes challenging presence" That's no small beans. Or corn.

Trooper York said...

No doubt. He should be proud of that. He definitely made it a better blog.

ndspinelli said...

MamaM, Thanks very much. You are like my silent body guard and guardian angel. But, much of the credit has to go to JT himself. In communications w/ me he encouraged me hanging tough to the vile spewed @ me. He ran some bad actors out of there, and put up w/ my horseshit. Folks may not know this but I can be just a little rough around the edges @ times. LOL! JT had let some bad ideologues take over his blog. He realized that and took steps to change it. That was not easy! They still snipe and do guerrilla warfare. I am not JT's kinda guy. But, he recognized my sincerity, integrity and experience. He encourages my using real world experiences, particularly legal, something that was disparaged by the old crew. But, I think our best connection is the paisan and being both family men. The sports thing as well.

I always appreciate your kindness, Mama. Always.

ndspinelli said...

Trooper, Thanks. There are many who disagree. Fuck 'em!

ndspinelli said...

I wonder if Haz finds any amusement that david CORN is on the news?

Michael Haz said...

Sort of amusing, yes.

I deleted my comment above because in writing it I spoke unkindly about other people, something I have self-prohibited during Lent. And hopefully thereafter as well.

Trooper York said...

I gave up smacking Inga around for Lent.

ndspinelli said...

I gave up smacking my salami for Lent.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

M'kay. So I just dropped this bomb at Turley's. I'm sick of the Inga drama. She is doing the same old crappola as she did at every other place she infested. It is so tedious, when there could be some good and honest conversations.

"This isn’t junior high school. We are all adults here and should be able to be civil to each other even when disagreeing. Trying to divide a group into factions and garner support on the basis of he/she is a big meanie…… come and protect me……… is something that children do.

If you are tired of the constant back and forth of comments that have nothing to do with the general topic (as some have indicated) then either do as some have and take a break or ignore it.

I’m not here to be someone’s champion or someone’s buddy or someone’s friend or even someone’s enemy. I just don’t care that much. If people do care then …whatever…as has been said. Put on your big girl/boy pants and defend yourself.

I like to discuss the topics and am interested in learning when the legal principles are intelligently discussed. I like different points of view. I’m willing to argue and disagree with anyone and to agree with anyone when they are persuasive. I’m not originally from the show me State without some consequences. Show me. Convince me. Don’t play games.

Sniping about who is mean to who is the last thing that anyone with an IQ above room temperature should be interested in doing.

Grow up."


Trooper York said...

That was sort of my point. I emailed Turley about this and he said to just ignore her.

I have already seen this show.

ndspinelli said...

A certain chickie chemist just commented @ Turleys. Every time someone from the old crew shows up Inga shits her panties.

ndspinelli said...

DBQ, You are focused and someone that scares Inga. She can't use the "your a mean man" meme on you. I have not said her name or directly addressed anything she has said for months. It's all obtuse.

TTBurnett said...

Personally, I talk about Johannes Ciconia on Facebook.

Aridog said...

Nick... and anytime an "enemy" (as she sees it) compliments her, she falls silent. It amuses me to do so when once in a blue moon she is actually rational momentarily. Shuts her right up. Amazing.

Aridog said...

Haz....I dropped a comment elsewhere that said I favored an Outlaw biker club to run that Chicago "black" detention center. I mentioned some clubs by name. I was waiting for someone to ask me if I was affiliated. That would have let me say, simply, that in one of our previous conversations, I'd noted I don't own a motorcycle and haven't since my nut rattler Zundap. :-)

Dang one was so silly as to ask that question.

Aridog said...

Trooper ...Lem's is a very worthwhile site. He lets people actually talk to each other sanely. I do support him and it is about time for another contribution.

Michael Haz said...

@Aridor - You rode a Zundap? Whoa!

Aridog said...

Haz...yeah, and anything over 200 miles and your body was numb from the waist to your knees. A "road bike" it was not...but fun in the woods.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

It is almost like I know these characters!

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Has Sixty Grit ever shown up again?

chickelit said...

Has Sixty Grit ever shown up again?

He's on Twitter, but not under that handle.

TTBurnett said...

Ah well, considering the painful politics of all this, I have to update my little list.

You may join in the fun. Fan-fiction lyrics here are a hardy perennial.

Aridog said...

Haz...and for whatever it is worth, the old Zundapp was a hard tail :-) I have a hard time imagining what a Harley or Victory would be like with a hard tail. Sounds painful.

Michael Haz said...

@Aridog: A hardtail? (no rear suspension for you non-riders) My back hurts just thinking about it.

Newer bikes are better, but still....we bailed out of our Victory last year because the suspension was terrible. We hit a pothole so hard that the energy of the hit went up Mary's spine and caused a concussion, verified by an MRI. No excuse for that in a modern bike.

Our current ride is a BMW that has a hyper cool electronically adjustable suspension - I just push buttons at my left hand and it adjusts for nearly all road conditions and loaded weights.

Still, I wish I had an old smokey two stroke Zundapp like the one you rode in my garage for braaaap...ding ding dinging around the neighborhood.

Aridog said...

Haz....the only "rear suspension" was a couple little springs under & part of the seat...not a problem in the woods and hills, when you were up more than down, but down the road, a pot hole would jar you. Braaaap & smokey is correct...but as a 15+ year old I loved it. Not sure my neighbors did however.

Aridog said...

Haz....a few years ago (maybe 3) I considered buying a stripped down, moderately customized, BMW motorcycle of some earlier vintage...a local dealer had one to die for, but my head said I was an idiot for even considering it. My time with horses and sports was enough, spinal cord wise, so trying to resume motorcycle riding was not a brilliant idea. Especially where I live. Now and then I still see an older BMW, with few accessories, and wish I had one.

Michael Haz said...

@Aridog - Go for it. The brand is pretty comfortable, and the suspensions are easily adjustable. They tend to be highly durable, and with proper care, they last a good long time, just like us.

Aridog said...

Haz...I'd love to "go for it" however, my spine says no. I have to take the advice of the doctors & surgeons who gave me back an active life back in the 1990's as sensible. That trek through physical therapy was daunting, to say the least. One more hard blow to the head, or a jarring blow to the spine like your wife incurred, could potentially turn me in to Chris Reeves II. Might not either, but I'm no longer 20-40 and immortal like I once was .... :-)

Thanks for the encouragement, none-the-less.