The Latin Quarter 2am at the club.
Jorge Posada: Hey Derek it’s really strange being here in the city off season. The tour of the new Stadium was sweet.
Derek: Yeah I can’t wait for spring training.
Jorge Posada: Yeah me too. Man those Giants are getting all the action man. Look at that Armani Bradshaw. That’s one hot chica he’s got hanging on him there.
Derek Jeter: Well they are the World Champs. They get the glory and the girls now. It’s been a while since we won.
Jorge Posada: You’re breaking my heart Chico. You get all the pussy you want man.
Joba Chamberlain: That’s right Mr. Jeter. You get all the girls.
Derek Jeter: True. It's been a lot better since Plaxico shot himself in the balls. Hey look over there. Holy Shit! It' A-Rod.
Jorge Posada: And he's got that puta Madonna with him.
Derek Jeter: Oh man we got to roll up on that. This is too sweet.
(Jeter, Posada and Joba walk across the club to say hello)
Derek Jeter: Hey guys howz it going? (Fist bumps and air kisses all around)
Jorge Posada: Hey Jefe. How ya doing?
A-Rod: Hey honey let me introduce you to my teammates. Derek, Jorge and the Beaver.
Madonna: Hey I'm the beaver.
Joba: Nice to meet you Miss Beaver.
Derek: It's just an expression rook. So how have you been. You guys were really all
all over the papers.
A-Rod: Well you know how it is Jeets.
Jorge Posada: What Jeter? He keeps all that stuff private.
Madonna: Well I don't see why. Any publicity is good publicity.
Joba:(under his breath) Not a DUI at a strip club.
Madonna: What?
A-Rod: Something about a strip club (The song "When I think about you I touch Myself" comes on)
Madonna: Oh Allie Baby it's our song. (Madonna stips off her top and starts giving A-Rod a dirty lap dance)
Jeter and Posada look at each other and mouth: "Allie Baby"
(The song ends and Madonna slug a shot of Kabala water and Patron) Hey Derek it's time for you to find a real woman. Not a skank like Mariah. Hey I got Whitney Houstons number. Let me give her a call, she's always ready for a party.
Derek Jeter: Thanks but we have to go. We are working out tommorrow so we'll see you.
(Jeter, Posada and Joba flee the club)
Jorge Posada: Oh man, Whitney Houston. "Bobbie wheres my crack at." It's going to be a long season.