Saturday, December 20, 2008

Watch out they are into the Rackets I tell ya!

New York Post Weird but True (December 20, 2009)

They must have been some actors.
Nearly 50 Israeli police officers were injured when they squared off against other officers posing as rock-throwing Palestinian protesters.
In this case, the phony protesters used tennis balls instead, but several officers still suffered bruises and broken bones.

It was later determined that the phony protestors were in fact tennis hooligans who as we all know are the most dangerous fans in sports.

Officer Scholmo Glickstein said "If we knew they were Martina Navrátilová fans we never would of messed with them,"


Darcy said...


Coincidentally, I have another tennis video. Don't hate me for thinking this was a funny fall. I like Serena (and her outfit is just too cute for words, here), but if you had a video of me falling like this I swear, I would laugh at it, too!

(You will never have a video of me falling like this.)

Darcy said...

The better angle is in the replay after the original footage. And I'm laughing again. My kid really did not like me laughing and replaying this.

Maybe I'm not as normal as a June day is long.

Trooper York said...

Ouch, I thought they only had splits in bowling?

Darcy said...

Oh, the women (especially on clay) do a lot of splits in their cute little skirts, Troop. You're missing out, if you're not watching!

Darcy said...

And I'm sure you know, but that's green clay. Weird surface. Slippery, but not at all like the red clay. I'd love to try to play tennis on that. Maybe I wouldn't think Serena's fall was so funny then, huh?