Saturday, August 16, 2008

Long but profitable day.

It was a long but profitable day at the store as we had a very good sales day. Of course that meant we couldn't do any preparation for our trip, but we will pull an all nighter like we usually do the night before we go. I was posting in between times of ringing up sales as I don't want the women to think I am paying too much attention to their choices unless they ask my opinion. So it was a kind of crazy mixed up day.


reader_iam said...

I hope you have a direct flight so you don't get stuck in, say, Detroit or somewhere.

Trooper York said...

Yes the wife arranged for a first class direct flight. We used our miles which we accumulate by using the credit cards to buy merchandise. So it was basically free. We just had to leave a few days early and come back a few days later but it is worth it to fly first class. The wife doesn’t fly well.

Zachary Sire said...

Make sure to go by club Piranha and say hi to my friend Shannelle! She's the #1 female impersonator in Vegas!

blake said...

Pronoun trouble.

How can she be a female impersonator? Doesn't he have to be a he or it ceases to be an impersonation?

Confused in California