Sunday, September 14, 2008

Tagged and ready.

Well we tagged and steamed and got all the clothes ready for the big trunk show. Well actually Nicole did that while I blogged all day and worked the cash register. As I have said before, when I have to work in the store, I stand behind the counter and type away furiously on my laptop as though I am working. I am actually making stupid comments all over the internets. Now sometimes a girl will want my opinion on a dress or need help with something. Then I jump out and help. But sometimes she just wants to get the girls opinions or whatever friend she brought along. So I have to hang back and look busy, like I am not paying too much attention so as not to make them be self-conscious. Playing it cool, for me, not so easy.

1 comment:

blake said...

Hey, at least they're not wondering if you're working the security cams in the dressing rooms.