Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Tears of a Moose 6

The breakup of the show was particularly rough on Rocky. I mean Bullwinkle has his work with the Log Cabin Republican Cartoon division and his gay activism. Rocky was at his wits end. He drifted from one meaningless affair to another with different Hollywood starlets. He would often frequent prostitutes with Charley Sheen and smoke pot with Woody Harrelson. But then there was the day hit rock bottom. He was hanging out at a Taco stand in LA when he met this blonde cougar who claimed she was a law professor. His life was about to begin a horrible downward spiral.
(Jay Ward and Alex Anderson, Rocky and Bullwinkle, E True Hollywood Story)

1 comment:

blake said...

Hey, Rocky! Watch me pull crack pipe out of my hat!