Saturday, June 11, 2011

Marilyn's Diary

My Aunt Lily was a very sexy lady. She was all over Uncle Herman. But he wasn't enough for him. Plus she liked to play rough. She wanted him to slap her around and stuff fruits and vegetables into all of her orifices and then to eat them out with his long green tongue and sticking his massive but stubby sewn on fingers into her tender spots.

Uncle Herman was a more gentle sort. He just like to cuddle and smooch and pet me when I had just come fresh and dewy from out of the bath.

And anal.

He was funny that way.


chickelit said...

Remember that radio announcer during the Hindendurg diaster when he said: "Oh, the anality..."?

blake said...

Or like that double-feature of X-Men and Wolverine tomorrow morning.

Oh, the Hugh Matinee!

edutcher said...

Aunt Lily was one of those ladies who was all woman, back in the days when men liked women who didn't look like little boys.

TTBurnett said...

Check out the new Morticia.