Tuesday, December 16, 2008

But I don't want to go to the Dentist Ollie!!

I have to go to the dentist to have a couple of wisdom teeth yanked. I am not looking forward to that let me tell you. When I was a kid everyone had to go to the same dentist, Dr. Butcher who destroyed our teeth. So I have always been deathly afraid of the dentist. But I have to suck it up and go.


Asante Samuel said...

Why aren't you waiting till after the Holidays? Trying the old wire-jaw diet?

Darcy said...

Aww. Hope it goes alright.

Trooper York said...

It went really well. I had two teeth yanked and now am stuffed with gauze. When the doc put in the stiches he pulled the string like he was wrapping a box of pastries at the pastry store. All of the girls who work there are in our size range and are coming over for holiday dress at a steep discount. You see I wanted a lot of Novacain.

Trooper York said...

My wife insisted I get a prescription for pain killers, Vicodan I think. Now I never take any pain killers except Bayer aspirn as I am old school all the way. I wanted to kill the pain old school too and stopped at the liquour store for a fifth of Jameson. But she wouldn't let me.

Trooper York said...

There is one great thing though, I get to eat mashed potatoes for dinner. Hot damn.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Maybe it's because when I was growing up my best friend's dad was a dentist and I was never afraid of going. In fact, I fell asleep when I was getting a root canal about two years ago and the dentist kept having to nudge me awake because my head keept rolling to the side. I found the sound of the drill soothing.

I think I scared her though.

blake said...


I still have my wisdom teeth, too. Er, still.

I like the dentist myself.

Unknown said...

Waiting to go to the dentist for serious stuff like that can be pretty tense. Good luck to ya! Most of the time, a large chunk of the discomfort is due to the tension. But it's best to rest after the procedure, since it can feel uncomfortable. I hope your visit to the dentist wasn't too bad, and that your recovery was quick!

-Sterling Delorme