Monday, December 15, 2008

The Giants are still going to win the Super Bowl.

Yeah, yeah Lawgiver your Cowboys won a game at home with their backs to the wall. The game didn't mean all that much to the Giants as they have already clinched the division and got a bye in the playoffs. It is a bump for the past two games thats for sure. But they were missing the key part of our team in Brandon Jacobs. But no excues, you guys won fair and square.

I would see you in the playoffs if you guys make it to the playoffs.

Did I tell you lately that the Giants will win the Super Bowl?


DaLawGiver said...

Wow, I got a tag, I'm honored. The Cowboys have the peoples Choice, Rashard Choice, to torment the league with now.

Face it, the Cowboys are the Yankees of the NFL and your team is in a December death spiral. Get ready for a heaping helping of Cowboys in January and February!

Excuse me, I gotta go sit on the crapper and call some of my buddies.

Asante Samuel said...
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Asante Samuel said...

Lawgiver, me too. I just finished my third cup of bad coffee, and now it's time to drop of a couple of Cowboys at the pool.

Owens first, then Jerry Jones.