Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Hello Kitty 2

Catwoman: Batman, you saved my life!
Batman: It was the least I could do.
Catwoman: How can I ever combat you again after all you've done for me?
Batman: Let's hope it never comes to that, Catwoman, because, in the end, veracity and rectitude always triumph.
Catwoman: Batman...are you spoken for?
Batman: Huh?
Catwoman: Married, engaged, or going steady?
Batman: My crimefighting leaves me little time for social engagements.
Catwoman: Boy...have I got a girl for you!

Batman: Sorry I don't have time for that you felonious female. I have to teach Robin how to slide down the Bat Pole.

(Batman, The Cat and the Fiddle Season 2 Episode 4)


chickelit said...

Julie Newmar--mmm--she fixed my orientation.

chickelit said...

Say Trooper, don't forget some of those gals from Hee Haw. They hit me like adolescence.

blake said...

Wow. What a figure.