Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Hello Kitty 4

Jed: Ma'am, I can understand your objection to rustlin' - a girl with your background and gentle upbringing - but it's the only way we can raise money.
Cat: No it's not.
Clay Boone: Well, what do you think we ought to do that's fittin' and proper?
Cat: Rob a train.
Jed: There ain't no trains around here.
Cat: Well then lets become communists and take control of the means of production. I read about in a book.
Jed: I don't know about that. Hey I have an idea.
Cat: What's that.
Jed: Show me your tits.
(Cat Ballou, 1965)

1 comment:

Meade said...

laughed way out loud.