Monday, December 15, 2008

Hey Bush told that reporter "Hit me with your best shot."

Can you believe that an idiot journalist tried to throw his shoes at President Bush while he was holding a press conferance in Iraq. What a jerk. Bush should have caught it and thrown in back at him. Or had one of his secret service guys throw his brogans at him.
You have to give him props though. Bush said "I saw his sole."
Now that's freakin' funny.


Trooper York said...

Hey do you think the Irag reporter guys shoes had camel toe?

I mean I know Pat Benatar does but what about that guy?

Was it one of those genie slippers with the curly toe?

So many questions that the mainstream media never answers.

Meade said...

"I saw his sole" is a damn good come back, you gotta admit. And it would be some nice instant karma if that now shoeless reporter stepped in a pile of dog crap upon leaving the building.

I'm relieved it was only a shoe. Lord, protect that man. I love him like a brother simply for doing his job after Sept. 11. If Obama can rise to any similar occasion, I will extend to him the same respect and gratitude. (I don't mind -- go ahead and tag this comment "emotional Meade" if you like.)

blake said...

Now, honestly, who throws a shoe?

Trooper York said...

Nikita Krushchev.

Meade said...

Guilty confession: I threw a shoe at my big brother back when we were four and three. He kicked me and called me poopie head and a chicken, I tried to rip his leg off but only got his shoe. So I threw it at him and ran like hell.

Darcy said...

I feel the same way about the President, Meade.

I'm going to miss his quips. And I'll give Obama a chance too, but I don't think he'll show this kind of character. I hope he does, though.

Well, at least the media will think Obama's funny and deeply compassionate. There's that.

Meade said...

Hey, Darcy. You know what I say to certain friends and family members who now try to tweak me by saying "Meade, you old lefty, surely you voted for Obama didn't you?"

I lie, "Sure, but not for the same reason you did - because his mother was from Kansas. I voted for him because he reminds me so much of President Bush." I then I tell them I've been self-diagnosed with Bush Mental Soundness Syndrome. And they usually then change the subject.

Darcy said...

Excellent, Meade. :)

knox said...

The guy's got to be embarassed now. Bush dodged the shoe and laughed at him.

Asante Samuel said...

Showing someone the sole of your shoe, or the bottom of your foot is at the top of the Arab insult Christmas tree.
It's right up there with calling someone a dog, or even worse, a woman.

Asante Samuel said...

It's OK to show someone your camel toe, long as you keep your face covered. Damn, I know some good stories.