Thursday, December 18, 2008

Hey this blog isn't just about babes....we get into a lot of meaty subjects, I swear!

I don't want you to think that this blog will only be about gratuitous photos of hot chicks and farm animals because I figured out how to post photos (which any six year old can do on his myspace page but I don't know this geek stuff).

So here is a picture of what I can't eat because of my wisdom teeth being yanked. I have a bunch of stitch's which will be in for a week and have to be careful what I eat. Plus it hurts.

But I did get to eat mashed potatoes for dinner last night. The wife made me cut out potato's because I was getting too fat and it is bad for my cholesterol or some such shit. But I got permission from the dentist to eat it and I had a triple order smothered in butter with salt and pepper. Hot damn.

I want to get back to some of our continuing series soon. I want to add the tags so you can go back to older posts so it might take a while. It's a work in progress.


Anonymous said...

Had the same situation last year. Tried steak-in-a-blender. Didn't taste good at all.

Chilled soups are best for a few days. Then chilled vodka.

Use breath mints if you need to speak with humans.

Lucky for me, I had several bottles of Brett Favre autographed vicodin to get me through the worst of it.

Trooper York said...

Man I gave up on that stuff after taking two of them. It made me crazy. Actually crazier.

I don't need the help to be insane.