Now if Garage Mahal would comment over here at Trooper York, he would be getting his own tags and even posts. So bring some of you commie bullshit over here dude, we need some perspective from the other side.
Althouse doesn't know how to treat her commenters right. Come over to the dark side.
Say Trooper, would you mind fixing my tag (remove the space between chicken and little). I object to being confused with that Chicken Little.
Wow! So that's Garage Mahal? Just wow!
Like you, Trooper, I've always had a--I don't know what you'd call it--perverse soft spot for the guy? But that doesn't look like a guy--none that I've ever seen anyway. And I've never seen a communist with such an open... mind!
Sorry chickenlitte, will do.
Whoa! She gives great hood!
Althouse doesn't know how to treat her commenters right. Come over to the dark side.
You know that Christina Hendricks is Simon bait don't you?
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