Saturday, December 13, 2008

My philosophy in a nutshell.

Mary Kate Danaher: Could you use a little water in your whiskey?
Michaleen Flynn: When I drink whiskey, I drink whiskey; and when I drink water, I drink water.


reader_iam said...

And when I gotta pee, I gotta pee. (Unless I'm traveling, by road trip or flight, or by whatever else where pee breaks are on someone else's clock, and therefore one squeezes out when one can and holds it otherwise.)

Either pee, or don't, to paraphrase. And so it goes, by God (or damnit, or whatever).

Darcy said...

I love these lines from that movie!

Every character is pretty chock full of them - that's what is so great about it. And even the bit parts are fun, like the old guy that's dying, and the old lady with the stick. But Flynn certainly is a treasure trove of them.

But yeah...this quote is a gem.

Don't dilute life. Take it full strength.