Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sorry if I haven't been posting on your blog, but I just learned how to download photos and I am enjoying myself.

I am useless as a computer nerd as my interests lie elsewhere. But now that I have learned how to post photo's I have been having a lot of fun screwing around.

Plus Althouse has gotten really boring with all the political bullshit.

She needs more squirrel sex. Or squirrely sex. Or something.


Darcy said...

Speaking of squirrely...this frickin' game is squirrely, alright. WTF?

C'mon, Giants!

Meade said...

Man, that East Division is tough!

Skeptical said...

What does it matter, now that the WORLD CHAMPION NEW YORK GIANTS have just gotten their asses handed to them by the Cowboys?

Asante Samuel said...

I was trying to swallow some TV myself last night, after the last Cowboys touchdown, when what to my surprise but a teaser for a new show on MTV about the real Brooklyn. I am performing a public service by informing you of this, but, in your unofficial office as the perennial President-Elect of Brooklyn might be you already are on top of this development.

Something about a guy who is a girl who wants to be a guy again, but already had his Italian Christmas dinner (meatballs and sausage) surgically removed. I think he recently met the girl of his dreams.

I hope the girl he met ain't your niece.

Are there many confused trannys on your block?

Trooper York said...

Hey there are tons of confused trannys on my block. On everyones block. Not that theres anything wrong with that.

Trooper York said...

Asses handed to them. Not quite my friend. But they won fair and square. I never thought the Giants were going to win every game and they were due to lose on the road. Plus we need Jacobs as he is big part of our offense. But to repeat the cowboys won fair and square.

I bet the cop and the construction worker and the indian are very happy tonight.

Trooper York said...

The MTV real world show filmed in Red Hook this summer but never made it to my neighborhood which is just a few blocks away. Not trendy enough.

blake said...

Yeah, I've found myself just skipping the political stuff. It's too robotic.