Monday, January 26, 2009

Gratuitous bathtub photo, Madison edition.

I wish you guys would stop emailing photo's from all your high jinks. I mean you should keep the personal stuff private, you know what I mean.

There is a thing called too much information.


ricpic said...

Joe Torre's bathtub? What Torre would like to do to Cashman in the bathtub? What A-Rod would like to do to Torre in the bathtub? Too much of a hint that you should post about Torre's hissy fit?

Trooper York said...

Will do ricpic, once I finish doing these freakin' W-2's.

Everybody is busting my balls that they want them.

I'm Full of Soup said...


I used to have that scrolling in big letters on my laptop screensaver. Did wonders when I was doing a due diligence.