Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Hey "Life on Mars" is back on TV this week.

Hey "Life on Mars" one of my favorite new shows is back on this week. As you may recall it is the story of a modern day cop who gets bonked on the coconut and wakes up in 1973. The fashions and the cars and the attitude is just out of sight. With Harvey Keitel as the lieutenant whose solution to any problem is to take a swig from his pocket flask and beat the shit out of someone. Ah, the good old days.
Catch it, you will have a lot of fun.
(Also starring Christopher of the Sopranos as Ambrose Burnside)


I'm Full of Soup said...

They don't name ids Ambrose anymore. Do you think he is a good actor? I saw him in a L&O episode and thought he was still playing his Soprano part.

I'm Full of Soup said...

ids = kids.