Thursday, January 23, 2014

Fire in the Hole

We had to close early yesterday because of the Apocalypse. Well it wasn't the real apocalypse but it was pretty damn close.

A Con Edison transformer on the next block caught fire and started to burn out of control. We heard this booms for a while and just assumed it was snow plows banging against the curbs. The lights were flickering but that happens a lot in those old buildings so we weren't alarmed. Then we started to smell this fire smell so went outside to investigate.

On the next block in front of the Health Food Store there were flames shooting eight feet into the air
Black smoke redolent of chemicals  and asbestos was streaming out of the hole. The prevailing wind was blowing it right into the Health Food Store and the Gym on the corner. Those organic tomatoes are going to taste really great now! And could you not love to breath in that dust as you are on the thread mill in your fancy gym!

We closed early because we have an electric gate. If the fire caused a lack of electricity we couldn't get the gate down and we would have to stay in the store overnight. We couldn't do that in this cold so we figured better save than sorry.

But it still was pretty messed up.


ndspinelli said...

Everything is pointing toward leaving that dying city.

ndspinelli said...

Hell, Even a couple of Bonnano wise guys got popped on the Lufthansa heist.

The Dude said...

I love the smell of burning PCBs in the morning. Smells like, well, about the same as every other day in the city.

The Dude said...

Did someone say underground blast? The fault line runs right through here...

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

De Blasio will make it all right. Or not.

chickelit said...

Is that trash on the sidewalks?

Trooper York said...

We call it garbage in Brooklyn.

chickelit said...

We call it garbage in Brooklyn.

Is that "garbage" with a silent "r": "GAH-bige"

blake said...

How do you pronounce "infrastructure"?

chickelit said...

In Milwaukee, I believe they call call trash "rubbish"

Haz, can you verify that?

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

I thought you had a movie shoot on your block.

chickelit said...

I thought you had a movie shoot on your block.

That would be the new Spike Lee movie "Justified" starring Crack M C

bagoh20 said...

"Redolent"? Is that Brooklyn slang?