Sunday, December 14, 2008

You know you are in the right place if Sheree North is sitting at the end of the bar coughing and sucking in a cigarette. Just Sayn'

To continue with Trooper Yorks retrospective on hot babes that I can find photos of on the internet, I always loved Sheree North. She was always the slutty babe at the end of the bar sucking on a cigarette who had some information that Mannix or Baranaby Jones or Frank Cannon needed to know. Drinking a martini and looking around. When I first started going out to bars that was my lodestar. If there were a bunch of Sheree Norths at the bar, I was home.


Meade said...

Embedding video clips is even easier than posting fotos.

If you click on the word "embed" up in the right hand corner here and then from your menu EDIT "copy" and then "paste" right into the text field of your Blogger posting page, you can post embedded video from YouTube. Not MyTube. You take care of YourTube, I'll take care of MyTube and I'm sure we'll get along just fine...

Ruth Anne Adams said...

And she was Honee to Sheldon Leonard's Big Eddie.

blake said...

Wasn't she a cougar long before we had the term "cougar"?

Trooper York said...

She was the first. Whenever I saw her I just wanted to say...Hello kitty.

Darcy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Darcy said...

Would someone explain the "cougar" term? Does it mean older women who date younger men? Or just older women who are hot?

It seems to have predatory implications to me. :)

blake said...

Yes, I believe it has predatory connotations, but rather goofy ones.

I mean, the idea is that they prey on young men for sex.

This, of course, is like preying on a waterfall for water.

Meade said...

All of the above, I think. Here's what the Urban Dictionary has:
1. Cougar 4460 up, 548 down
An older woman who frequents clubs in order to score with a much younger man. The cougar can be anyone from an overly surgically altered wind tunnel victim, to an absolute sad and bloated old horn-meister, to a real hottie or milf. Cougars are gaining in popularity -- particularly the true hotties -- as young men find not only a sexual high, but many times a chick with her shit together.
That cougar I met last night, showed me shit I didn't know existed, I'm goin back for more.

Sheree North was what was known simply as A Sexy Lady. She was pre cougar. She was even pre babe. And definitely pre MILF - a pretty sad term, especially if one takes it seriously. All mothers, no matter how sexy, should be treated with extra respect simply because they are somebody's mother. Right guys?

Darcy said...

Aha! LOL. Thanks.

Darcy said...

I love the urban dictionary! Sometimes it's too much, but most of the time I find it hilarious.

But none of that sounds attractive, Meade.

Darcy said...

bloated old horn-meister

Cracked me up!

Meade said...

Yeah, me too. "Horn-meister" - gender who is renowned for, has expertise in, or is a connoisseur of horniness.

Definitely not attractive or flattering.

Darcy said...

My sister called herself a cougar recently - she married a guy quite a bit younger than her. I think I'm going to suggest that she not call herself that. *laughing*

Darcy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Meade said...

How much younger? Younger than half her age plus 7? That's the formula, you know.

Meade said...

For instance, at 54 years-old I am not too young for a kind lovely 94 year-old hottie who is on the prowl.

Darcy said...

Well, let's see...*calculates*...nope, he's not that young. You can't even tell he's younger, really. They're adorable.

And lol, at the 94 year-old hottie.
Horn-meister, probably not. Too many naps.

Meade said...

...on the prowl for a naive-but-willing-to-learn young sex machine.

Meade said...

Hey, don't kid yourself, kiddo. Naps can be quite erotic... with the right 94 year-old hottie.

Darcy said...

Of course I think it's entirely possible that she could still show you shit that you didn't know existed!

Meade said...

Heh! True. And believe me - I know just about everything.

But I'm telling ya, grandkids grown, adored but grouchy old husband of sixty years gone on to his final reward... life can be good in the mature single lane... the FAST mature single lane.

Darcy said...

Erotic naps with a 94 year-old hottie.

You crack me up.

'Night. Sweet, cougar dreams to you. :)

Meade said...

And to you, kiddo.

blake said...

Whether or not "cougar" is a good thing or not depends on whether or not the woman in question can pull it off.

Katharine Helmond (now 80!) married a 20-something when she was in her late '30s, I believe, and why not? They're married over 45 years now.

Ellen Barkin plays a "cougar" in Ocean's 13 although Matt Damon is clearly interested. Again, why not? Women don't stop being attractive because they're older, or older than men.

Think of it this way, a "cougar" is the flip-side of a "MILF". If a MILF is an expression of desire from the young male side, the cougar is the expression of desire from the female side.

And, as for respect, while I would hesitantly apply the terms to anyone to their face, I think most women would prefer to be a MILF rather than a MI(wouldn't)LF.

Darcy said...

Oh, I think it's great when people find each other, and age doesn't matter (like Helmond), blake. But I guess that's different than the idea of setting out to pursue someone younger.

I think if you have that goal, whether you're male or female, it seems sort of...desperate? Maybe not so much for men, but speaking of "cougars" here, yeah, it makes me think that their goal is to make themselves feel younger, or at least that's part of it. Don't you think?

I don't know...I'm not judging it, really. Or at least I'm trying not to! :) I just can't relate to it, I guess. Maybe because I love my 40's? Way better than my 30's. I haven't panicked. Yet. :)

Darcy said...

Oooh! Just clicked on the Helmond link. Maybe I'll rethink the cougar thing. ;-)

Meade said...

Something tells me Darcy browsed 3 fotos to the right.

Darcy said...

I did not! *blushes*

blake said...

I think if you have that goal, whether you're male or female, it seems sort of...desperate? Maybe not so much for men, but speaking of "cougars" here, yeah, it makes me think that their goal is to make themselves feel younger, or at least that's part of it. Don't you think?

I think it's a factor in some cases. On the other hand, attitudes toward sex have changed a lot, and if it's going to be "casual", how much does it matter? (It's not really the way I think, but I'm rather antiquated.)

And in the case of Helmond and her husband, well, 45 years together suggests success.

blake said...

(Heh. And I deliberately picked the less naughty pic....)

Darcy said...

I debated whether to say this or not...but I really doubt women can have casual sex, blake. Oh, I know there are exceptions, but I don't think we're wired that way. Even the twentysomethings and younger. I think it's sort of a brave front...I just don't buy it.

I could be wrong, of course. :)

The pics were great! If they've gone 45 years, they're both pretty remarkable, I'd say!

Meade said...

So she was about 35 and he was about 25.

Yeah, I can see how that could work. Especially with having no kids and living separately on either coast, there wouldn't be the typical conflicts over parenting and who was the last one to leave the cap off the toothpaste and who's turn is it to do the laundry that he just dropped on the floor wherever he happened to be at the time and left for someone else to pick up and do.

Marriage is easy when you always miss each other and can't wait to be back in each other's arms. And especially easy if neither party goes jumping into bed with a third party during the times you're missing each other.

But seriously, I don't think Helmond was a cougar, do you? I think they just found their perfect match

Meade said...

Sort of like Trooper and his lovely bride.

Darcy said...

Sort of like Trooper and his lovely bride.

Aww, that's sweet. He does seem to be a happy guy!

You're asking blake about whether Helmond was a cougar, right?

blake said...


Hell, I dunno. I always thought "woman's work" was the maintenance of civilization, which included things like providing the rules for stable, civil living. And that monogamy and the sacredness of sex was part of that.

But feminism tore all that stuff down, and now women have the right to act like men. They "get to have" casual sex.

It seems like anyone who said women can't or shouldn't behave a certain way was a throwback.

I've known certain women who seemed completely unaffected by casual sex. Are women in general happier with the current state of affairs than in the past? I suspect not.

blake said...

As for whether Helmond was a cougar, some people define a cougar as a woman who trolls for young men to have sex with and I don't know if that really applies.

But in Ocean's 13, Barkin was about 53 and Matt Damon was 38, and they referred to Barkin as a cougar. (Frankly, I think of it more as a 40+ woman looking for twenty-somethings. By the time you're in your 30s, the age issue seems sort of minor.)

But if you mean it as an insult or a disparaging label is one thing. But I went through school thinking a lot of my teachers were attractive so, you know, different perspective.

Meade said...

"You're asking blake about whether Helmond was a cougar, right?"

blake, you, Trooper, Ruth Anne, anyone with an opinion (and I know I've come to the right place) but, yeah, I'm always happy to hear blake's thoughts and not just because I agree with everything he just said. And said very well. As usual.

Darcy said...

I agree with Meade, that was well said, blake.

Spot on about the feminists.

Thanks, ladies. Or whatever you want to be called. Sheesh. :)

Darcy said...

And I should have said thank you, Meade. That was a really nice thing to say.

Meade said...


What really nice thing did I say now? Without even being aware of it. Sorry, I do my best to try to delete those.

Darcy said...

LOL. I'm sure I misunderstood. :)