Hey dolls, Meade emailed me this photo of what he plans to wear and asked my advice. Now I only know about women's clothes because personally I only wear stuff from LL Bean. My wife dresses me otherwise since I wouldn't know Hickey Freeman from Freeman McNeil. So any advice you might have would be greatly appreciated.
Really all i wanted to know is do you think red is my color. Or should I go with a more masculine Algore brown?
I should think this photo of Meade proves that someone carrying a Colt model 1873 single-action Peacemaker revolver in .45 caliber can wear whatever they wish.
Especially if they are carrying half-cocked, so to speak, as the photo demonstrates.
Is there a load in that chamber?
I don't think you can see if there is a load from that angle.
What should Meade wear?
Defintely not what is in this picture (Meade is a guy right?) Heh.
Is that you Trebeck?
How fancy? Sport coat, no tie fancy?
Generally acceptable date attire for men:
button up shirt, a dark plaid that does not include any garish colors is good (green, brown, navy, burgundy, that sort of thing), a muted solid, or if you are thin and look good in white, something like this can work
dark pants (navy, dark green, dark khaki, brown, etc.) in a classic cut (none of this skinny pant business, ignore horrid sweater in example pic)
sport coat in a dark, muted color or a herringbone (but not with white pants! UGH)
leather belt, leather shoes, matching socks
Good to go. That is a catch all outfit. Best I can do without seeing you or knowing what this is for or where you are going. Does not have to be Ralph Lauren. I just used that site because my father dresses impeccably, and I know that a lot of his stuff came from there. Shopping on that site would be a bit of a minefield because a lot of the stuff is far too feminine looking. If you don't own anything acceptable to wear, don't buy clothes online; go to the store. You must try on.
Do not wear:
a bizarre color
anything ill-fitting
ammunition belts
suspenders clipped to man panties
thigh boots
OK, you guys know best, but I'm kinda liking the diaper look. *shrugs*
Those boots are fierce. I'm serious. I'd wear them if I had the guts and was a bit more faggy.
if I...was a bit more faggy.
Is that like being more pregnant?
I think Zardoz was the one movie that Connery looks back and and says:
"What the fuck was I thinking?"
Nah, I think Connery had one other "Ah Crap" movie moment.
I only saw it once, and can't remember the title, but Sean plays a cowboy with I think a pet cougar. I lasted about 20 minutes with it, it was that bad.
But the costumes weren't this bad.
As far as wardobe advice; I found jeans, a golf shirt, preferably with a company logo, and cowboy boots will get me in anywhere I want to go. Make of that what will.
Wait! That's Sean Connery? I thought it was a Captain Morgan model on vacation.
I may have to re-think this.
You know those Scottish fellows with their rolling rrrrs...
James Bond does Glam Rock.
I wore this to senior prom, except for the gun.
Freeman's advice is good.
Obviously, make sure the unibrow and other age-enhanced hairs are gone (nose, ears).
Wear a decent watch. That one you have -your favorite, your comfy watch- is decaying and is icky.
And don't talk about Mort. Downer.
Thanks, my little Yorkovite Yorkmeisters!
Just to review:
vest........ don't own
bowtie..... lost it in the war
a bizarre color....... no bright green? Darn!
anything ill-fitting.... especially condoms, right?
spandex..............don't even know what that is... sounds like a cooking utensil.
ammunition belts... but where will I keep ammo?
suspenders.... belt only? but what if...?
suspenders clipped to man panties... good idea *clipping to breechclout instead*
thigh boots... I can roll them down a bit.
Taking Doc's advise on the nose hair removal, also earhairectomy. How about no watch at all? Timeless, eh?!
And no, no Mort talk. Noted. Instant buzzkill. Instead I'll ask - hey how about them Packers? Or... cheese is always a universally interesting topic... which should bring us back to global warming, Oprah's breasts - real or imagined? - and, finally, parasitic squirrels. That should be enough to avoid the handshake instead of highly coveted peck-on-the-cheek.
Do guys still open doors for dolls or might that get me sucker-slugged? I know - I'll wear my flac jac!
OK, you guys know best, but I'm kinda liking the diaper look. *shrugs*
Darcy, we may need to do an intervention here.
Always be the gentleman.
The woman who abhors a gentleman is not worth your time.
Don't listen to them, Meade. I say wear the bright yellow shirt and a red jacket.
Good luck!
And Pogo's right, as always.
Hoosier Daddy: I like Sean in anything, really. Maybe I was momentarily dazed by the effect of that diaper... ;-)
thanks, Doc. Will do.
Darcy, who is this "Sean?" And why do you keep calling my breechclout a diaper? I've been out of diapers for almost eleven years.
I changed my mind; I'm with Darcy.
A bright yellow shirt and a red jacket.
And green pants.
Bless you, Pogo!
I saw Zardoz way back when, but I don't remember this. Mercifully.
@Meade: I think she'll accept you as you are and without sartorial judgement.
Wear anything you damn well please and wear it UNAPOLOGETICALLY. This is the key to alpha male behavior for which you WILL be rewarded whatever your threads.
I'm married to a very considerate alpha male, and I must admit that I think he was wearing a henley and shorts the first time we went out. We basically moved in together that day and were then married within two months, so I suppose the outfit was, empirically measured, a smashing success.
HOWEVER, we were in our early twenties then, an age when most people's clothes are stupid. And obviously shorts are entirely off the table... so I still endorse the dress pants, sport coat, no tie option.
Now that's gonna leave an interesting tan line.
Seriously, Meade, don't sweat it too much. If a man looks too perfect it comes off as sort of effeminate. Be clean and neat but don't worry about it otherwise.
I will have you know that I got a very nice manicure yesterday knox and do not feel at all effeminate. Of course I cover it by using my nicley manicured finger to pick my nose, but that's just me.
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