Michaleen Flynn: No patty-fingers, if you please. The proprieties at all times. Hold on to your hats
Thursday, January 15, 2009
You know Darcy I am not much of a woman's tennis fan but I could learn to like it.
You know I could think of one or two reasons right off the top of my head. So to speak. Bouncing off the top of my head. I could just see me and Meade and chickenlittle and Hooiser Daddy and Original Mike drinking Bass Ale and hooting away. So to speak.
By the way...just a little info on Sania Mirza - she is a Muslim from India, and very, very popular there. Almost too popular. She is constantly dealing with adoring fans and the opposite of that as well. She gets serious death threats simply because she wears regular tennis clothing, and is not properly covered according to some. She has to travel with bodyguards.
I hate Sarah Jessica Parker, Robin Williams, Tim Robbins, Susan Saradon, the BJ Hunnicut guy, brussel sprouts, the Boston Red Sox, commies and well, lawyers.
Yeah, I'd watch that too.
I believe that is Sania Mirza. Yeah, she's beautiful.
I recommend googling pics of Dominika Cebulkova and Ana Ivanovic as well.
Cibulkova, sorry.
And Roger Federer for the ladies!
I recommend googling pics of Dominika Cibulkova
I see what you mean. Wait until Trooper sees that.
Those gals have balls.
If I were a guy, I'd hit it.
Make mine at least a Black and Tan, and I am so there.
... especially if Darcy, Ruth Anne, and all the dolls join us.
U.S. Open?
I liked the one tennis babe that grunted every time she hit the ball.
I'll say no more.
mmm...serve and volley...
By the way...just a little info on Sania Mirza - she is a Muslim from India, and very, very popular there. Almost too popular. She is constantly dealing with adoring fans and the opposite of that as well. She gets serious death threats simply because she wears regular tennis clothing, and is not properly covered according to some. She has to travel with bodyguards.
I love her spunk.
And yes! Let's all go to the U.S. Open! If you like tennis, it is a fantastic event.
She gets serious death threats simply because she wears regular tennis clothing
She doesn't have to wear clothing. Oh, that's not what you meant.
Hey Ron, I'm watching Das Blaue Licht tonight.
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