Saturday, November 21, 2009

It's all there in black and white

"Hello Trey, how are you."
"Very well Selina. I see you have another costume on?"
"Really whatever do you mean?"
"Why those two devilish little horns you are sporting. They have to be part of a costume."
"Not really Trey, I could just be naturally horny."
"Errrr I guess so Selina."
"Oh I am just teasing you Trey. I have a little devil in me. I really like it. Would you like to be my little devil Trey?"
"Hamana hamana hamana uuurrrpppphhhhh!!!!!"


le Douanier said...

OT--I'm guessing you avoid Sully. So, here's a link you may appreciate, I found it via Sully. As I recall you liked The Wire.

chickelit said...

If ypu enlarge the photo it's easy to read the scrimshaw on those hornlets.

Penny said...

Interesting, chicklit. I was sure they previously belonged to a saber toothed tiger, or their smaller cousin, the lion.

Sperm whale, you say?

Perhaps we can shorten this dialogue, avoid any confrontation, and agree they were the devil's horns?