I am a Billy Martin Yankee fan. I love the ballbusters and the rouges. Babe Ruth, Jumping Joe Dugan. Billy, Mickey, Whitey and Johnny Blanchard. Fritz Peterson and and Curt Belfrey and Johnny Ellis and Ron Hassey. Mickey Rivers and Sparky Lyle and Thurman and Craig Nettles. David Wells and Nick Swisher and Mariano Duncan. You know the trouble makers.
Now I respect the dignified Yankees. The Lou Gehrig's and Joe DiMaggio's. Tony Kubeck and Bobby Richardson. Steve Hamilton and Mel Sottlemeyer. Guidry. Mattingly. Willie Randolph and Bucky Dent. Jeter and Mariano Rivera.I respect them and their place in Yankee history as "True Yankees!"
But I do not root for them in the same way I do the crazy Yankees. I think that George felt the same way. He always found a way to give them a job or a check. Even guys who were identified with another team like Strawberry and Gooden. Both of them will be happy to tell you that they were always treated a lot better by George than the Mets ever did.
There is no doubt that Billy was George's favorite son. I mean he would still hire him. And he was my idea of a balls to the wall manager who would do anything to win. That's one of the reasons I got a little sick of sanctimonious St Joe Torre. I mean when the Red Sox were beaning the Yankees every game and Joe just sat on his ass I would go crazy. Billy would have been all over that. I know George felt the same but he was too ill to do anything about it.
Right now George and Billy are having a couple of beers in Heaven and arguing to beat the band. And God is laughing and smiling.
You see he is a Yankee Fan.
With all due respect I think you're overplaying the importance of the "crazies" or trouble makers in Yankee history. The image of the Yankees has always been the consummate professional athlete in pinstripes, which is the equivalent of the buttoned down gray flannel suit no nonsense businessman. And it's an accurate image. Mickey Mantle and Whitey Ford trouble makers? So they went on a few benders off the field. On the field they were never less than totally committed and reliable pros. Compared to other teams the Yankees have been a machine. Which is a compliment in case you're guessing. Not that anyone can love a machine. Unless they're a Yankee fan. ;^)
Well I agree that the corporate mold is what so many people think of when they think of when they talk about the Yankees.
But it is the crazy guys I love the best. The knuckleheads who loved the Yankees and their fans. They are the ones the real fans in the cheap seats loved.
No one more than Billy.
The Babe was the original trouble maker. Man the owners hated him. They wanted the quiet corporate types like Lou Gehrig not the Babe.
But the fans loved the big lug and his descendants are still the idols of the bleacher creatures to this very day.
Steinbrenner's already fired Martin for the sixth time.
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