Monday, July 26, 2010

Theo is right again!

Sometimes it is just not worth it.


chickelit said...

Sometimes it is just not worth it.

But in the end it always is. It just gets tiresome. And boring. Like that Althouse thread right now.

garage mahal said...

Maybe a hot chicks palate cleanser is in order. I'm thinking Salma Hayek, in just an over-sized Packers jersey. If I had Photoshop, and knew how to use it I would definitely tackle it.

Michael Haz said...

What a mess that place is. And it is contrived, you know. Encourage trolls, get more hits, etc.

Best to avoid the toxic topics, if not the site itself.

Unknown said...

I've chosen the latter, Michael. I'll head over there sometimes when Glenn Reynolds links to her, and that gives me enough of a reminder why it's good to stay away.

Trooper York said...

Hey great to see you here mcg.

And as always thanks to the guys for stopping by.

Trooper York said...

Hot chick in a Packers jersey.


chickelit said...

I'm thinking Salma Hayek, in just an over-sized Packers jersey.

Heh Garage. I could even go for Salma in an under-sized Giants jersey if he wants to skimp.

Opus One Media said...

Truth is always worth it Trooper.


Trooper York said...

If only you could handle the truth hd.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Come on. Althouse likes it that way. She might as well say: "I hate what you love and can completely misconstrue it thus. Discuss." What do you expect?

Bloggers have an optional obligation to take responsibility for how they choose to frame their topics. There are no fights on Trooper because he takes the default position of, hey, to each their own and whatever floats your boat. And life's too short and let's try to keep it fun. GFI. I hope I've never offended Trooper because I know when he's serious and I know to respect that because, well, he's a respectable, decent, helpful and nice guy. There's no question that he means well and has seen enough to be listened to.

When Althouse wants to stop getting her jollies by deliberately blurring the lines between serious matters and goofing around, then she will be taken more seriously. And I mean that. It's obvious she's not a partisan ideologue, but rather, just follows the strong horse - as bin Laden said of the most measly of (small d) democrats. And as a lawyer/law professor, she seems to be enamored of the idea that the conservatives have stronger arguments. Maybe they do, but I don't think she believes it so much as she wants to believe it. But it's a belief she facilitates by ignoring the other side's perspective and an understanding of what they believe and why as often as possible. She decides beforehand whom to take seriously and she probably does that as a lapsed Democrat in order to encourage them to take on the right with more and more arguments.

If she weren't in it just for herself (and the best bloggers aren't) she would do a better job of questioning her own ideas, rather than - with a wink and a nod - just throwing out half-assed, half-baked summations of what other people have said or concluded so that the ravenous masses can have at it. At the end of the day, she's just a stagehand throwing raw meat to the caged lions at the side of the coliseum pre-show, and for a show that never actually takes place, at that. At least others on the right actually believe (and feel compelled to defend) what they say.

The Dude said...

Where's Jeremy?

chickelit said...

Where's Jeremy?

Good one Grit!

Anonymous said...

I dunno, but I can do a pretty good Luckyoldson, if you want.

Hey, I just thought of a contest: Imitate Your Favorite Blogger Lady Troll.

I'm not going to put it on my blog, but if someone else wants to try, I'm willing to come as Lucky or Cyrus Pinkerton (if I can warm up a bit beforehand for that second role).

Points to be awarded on faithfulness to the original, stupidity, and, of course, ability to bring the thread to a halt AND get everybody yelling at you.

Extra credit if you get 300+ comments.

Me, I'm looking for 120/70.

Anonymous said...

If a contest doesn't do it, I'm thinking of a Halloween party that's Come as your Favorite Troll.

I might even host that on my own.

Unknown said...

@Trooper, thanks, I actually have you bookmarked and bring up your blog just about every day. I just don't comment so much anymore. What can I say I tired of the exercise :) But that's not *your* fault! :)

chickelit said...

I actually follow TY and so the link at my blog shows when he has a new post. I probably comment too much but I try not to get in on every thread.
What can I say- I have an addiction.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Your blogroll refresher should come with a visual of each new post, el. That way you could take each new lady or funny pic and play guess the topic.

Trooper York said...

Thanks guys. I really appreciate all of you that comment and most of all I appreciate the civility that reigns here. I try to keep it fun if I can.

Some people lose sight of that and things go south in a hurry.

Commenting shouldn't raise your blood pressure. And people are entitled to their own opinions.
Let's just have some fun.