"Why hello little ricpic. I see you are watching me and Lamb Chop."
"And you have your own little hand puppet."
"Oh wait that's not a puppet. Well maybe a meat puppet."
"You shouldn't be doing that while you are watching me on TV. I know you have a thing for shitzka's but still."
"Maybe you should put on the Dinah Shore show. That will calm you down."
"What? You just want to see Lamb Chop? Wow. That's weird even for you."
"Now be a good boy and put that away. I have to go see Soupy Sales. He promised me a gig if I let him put his fist inside. I hope he was talking about Lamb Chop."
Troop - you are really beginning to worry me - that post makes very little sense. You used the word "shitzka's" - I am going to guess that you were going for "shiksa", which means non-Jewish girl. The plural would be "shiksas", no apostrophe required.
Perhaps Sonia Phyllis Hurwitz was not as observant as some would prefer, but I don't think she qualifies as a shiksa.
Oh wait that's not a puppet. Well maybe a meat puppet.
You liked them too? I saw the Meat Puppets several times in the mid-80s before they "peaked". The Kirkwood brothers were a huge positive influence on Kurt Cobain and we all know how that ended.
Of course, my interest in them waned after the rest of the indie world beat a path to their doorstep as I am wont to do.
One of my first crushes was Sheri Lewis - ahhhhh.
One of my first crushes was Sheri Lewis - ahhhhh.
One of my first crushes was Sheri Lewis - ahhhhh.
Well Sixty you are kinda new around here. You have to figure out what a new series is about.
I admit that this one is a little weird.
It is about the first image our commenters whacked off too from the TV.
I really wanted to use Shirley Booth for ricpic but I went in another direction.
I can't blame the pain meds as I am not taking any.
It is just the pain.
Well, I have to assume it's the commenter's idea of what's going on, so if ricpic didn't know Shari was Jewish, it still works.
I am endeavoring to express my concern for your well being. When your writing descends to the level of hdhouse right after his attendants have changed his diaper, or Lem when he is half way through a case of brews, then I get concerned.
And Shari was teh HAWT!
Its the pain dude it s the pain.
You know like the midget guy used to say on Fantasy Island.
阿袁袁袁袁華 hopes you get well soon, too.
Hey I have a lot of friends in the laundry business.
I spill a lot of stuff on myself.
Nice job on the comments on the Stoning To Death Thread, Trooper. Well done.
ricpic has a wonderful prose.
Or is that "has wonderful prose"?
I just got back from a short trip to Mount Desert Island in Maine (which was a bust, complete rainout). And since it was a short trip I didn't jackoff to any internet images when I got back. But after a long trip I do...jackoff to the internet. How's that for a Titus imitation?
Trooper come back!
Trooper, you good?
He's not dead, he's gone to live with Bissage.
Hey I am around.
I am just in too much pain to concerntrate on posting.
But I feel better today so I might come up with something.
Adrienne Barbeau can always help you come up with something.
Hope they didn't remove anything important.
You what? I think the evil blogger lady is probably fuming right now because we are having more fun with her blog than she is.
Derailing the threads and making fun jokes and not taking her seriously. She isn't in control. The inmates have taken over.
That is an awesome thread.
Trooper, I'm sorry not to have commented earlier about your surgery. If I'd read about it, I'd have wished you well!
I'm sorry to hear that you still have pain while healing, but hope that gets less and less for you.
On the topic of the AA thread, it is hilarious. You guys are cracking me up over there. :)
I think I'm finally done with the evil blogger lady. She nailed her feet to the floor on the Ewok thing and has definitely jumped the shark. This place is more fun, that's for sure. I haven't had much Internets time this summer, and I'm sorry for wasting it over there instead of here.
I think Garage is asking for a Commenter Memories Number 37.
Hey Darcy, How was the Fedhead roadtrip?
Thanks Darcy. I know you are a twitter gal these days. Thanks for stopping by and the kind words.
Windbag - I have no desire to read all the comments, so if you could, please let me know what the Ewok comment was.
Start here and read through until Ace shows up a couple times.
Trooper, you realize we have saved your Twitter accnt for you....and you have followers!
Thanks, The Royal Chicken, I think. What a mess that thread was, hoowee! Ewok bukkake - that's out there!
60 grit. Althouse went apeshit on Ace of Spades over a joke he made on his site. She didn't get the joke, and when that was pointed out, she refused to retreat. She has the depth of character of a sheet of paper.
Watch what you write here - someone will carry it over to the other blog and tattle. Not that it matters, mind you, just a word to the wise.
And keep in mind, she defends voting for Omongrel to this day. Sad, that.
Well, we all love you, Trooper. That's not going to change!
El Pollo, the road trip was fun, but my planning was dumb. I left really early, drove 4 hours, spent all day in the sun with my friends and my kid watching tennis, then left to drive back at about 11:30 at night.
Ugh. Dumb. But we made it, and I had a blast while I was there. I love the Cincy tournament, and I loved being with my tennis friends.
Hey Darcy!
Glad to here that the Darcymobile made it OK.
60 grit...that's okay. I've removed the evil blogger lady from my favorites list. The place has mostly gone to hell. A few sycophants cling to her ass, a few insane liberals defend anything in the name of chaos and perversion, and a handful of sane commenters keep the conversation rolling.
I can get more mature and stimulating conversation from my kids' telling me how their day went at school for the most part.
The sad part of the Internets is the same as sitcoms. The players become caricatures of themselves. George was funny on Seinfeld, until he became *too* George.
The evil blogger lady's self-elevated throne has risen to such a height that she suffers from lack of oxygen. There always was a haughty air over there, but now it seems mingled with a condescension that reeks. Her place will sit on the cyber shelf next to Little Green Footballs, which I only check every couple of months or so to verify that I don't miss the insanity.
I understand where you are coming from Windbag, but I am endlessly amused by pomposity.
And the Blogger Lady is where pomposity lives!
I think the evil blogger lady is probably fuming right now because we are having more fun with her blog than she is.
Here's hoping the anarchy continues. Should pick a day when whet ever she posts, commenters take the opposite position. Or switch to a new topic. Heh.
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