So on Tuesday when I was getting all my ducks in a row before the operation, I get a panicked call from the store. The maid was cleaning the chandelier and she managed to unscrew it out of the ceiling and it was hanging by one thin wire. You see she was supposed to dust it. But instead of moving the ladder from one side to another, she just stood in one place and swung the chandelier around in a circle. This unscrewed the coupling that held it to the ceiling and it started to fall to the floor. They had to run next store to get Nelson from the bodega to cut the wire and rested it on the floor smashing several crystals in the process.
Now I had a big blowout with the maid two weeks ago when she broke our vacuum cleaner for the fifth time. Yes that's right fifth time. I guess she resents cleaning even though that is her job. So she bangs shit around and ends up breaking stuff. I should have let her go then. You see this time she broke the retractable wire on a brand new vacuum. Instead of unplugging it and moving to another socket she just kept pulling it all through the store till it broke. Now I can understand if I only had on socket but I have one every three feet in the store so there is no excuse. I told if there was ever a job she was unsure of and needed help, she just had to tell me and I would help her or get someone else to help. Like cleaning the Air Conditioner which I help her do. Or maybe like cleaning the chandelier. But she ignored me and almost caused a catastrophe.
What do you think I should do?
If this economic climate isn't enough to make someone work his (or her!) ass off, nothing is.
(Says the guy posting from work.)
Get some crack hittin' brothers, a pair of pliers and a blow torch...
Wait, no, movie references are never appropriate to real life situations. My son says I can get from his place to your place in Brooklyn in no time - you want I should take care of dis problem?
I'm sorta with Blake. Not posting from work, but I read you enough there.
Anyway, unless you have some *real* strong reason for not doing so (e.g., Christian charity, fear of the Mafia, etc.), I say fire her ass.
New day, new maid.
The presenter at a resource management seminar I once attended asked a simple question: Did you ever fire anyone too soon?
Everyone in the room shook their heads "no".
Don't get attached to employees or contractors who detract from your company's work. You are an employer, not a frustrated parent.
Wait, first things first.
Is she good looking?
I think the proper question is "How big are her breasts?", isn't it?
Uh, individual preferences may vary...
Old joke:
A pub landlord advertises for a new barmaid and receives applications from three candidates who are all equally suitable for the job. He calls them all in to see him and at the end of each interview he asks each one the same question. "If you were cleaning the bar once it was closed for the night and found £10 on the floor, what would you do with it?"
The first candidate replies: "I'd place the money in the till. You've been good enough to give me a job and I'm happy with my wage. The money's yours." The second candidate replies: "I would place the money in the till and take five pounds out for myself. That way we are splitting the money, and that's only fair." The third candidate replies: "I would keep the money. It's a perk of doing such a menial job and, as such, it is my right to keep any money I find."
Question: So which one got the job?
Answer: The one with the biggest breasts.
Fire her!!!!!!!!!!
Out of a cannon!
Is she a hottie? Heh.
[You can't leave pertinent facts out of these stories when you ask for our advice.]
Ooops. I guess I should have read the previous comments before I made mine.
Thanks for all the great advice guys.
She is definately not a hottie but even for a perv like me that is not a consideration.
I have one simple rule for all of my employees.
If you make my wife yell at me because of something you did...you're fired.
As Windbay who ownes his own smalll business can tell you, if you feel you should fires someone you should do it. Don't hesitate.
We had a big blow up two weeks ago and I took the easy way out and did not replace her then and there. We had a long and serious discussion about what the problem were and how we could fix them in a calm and reasonable manner. At the end of whick she asked for a raise.
I knew I should have fired her then.
If I told the wife what happened she would want to kheel haul her.
Those are some heavy meds you are on there, Troop - even for you, your spelling is atrocious.
Pay attention to Brother Haz - he spake the truth.
Sorry Sixty. I didn't put it in Word and spell check like I usually do. This is free form dickery so to speak.
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