So after dinner we decided to honor our Irish heritage and went out to have a few pops. We haven't done that in years.
Now I can't go to a lot of places in Midtown since I left them on bad terms. I used to be the accountant for them but when I decided to focus on the store and dropped them as accountants they got pissed. But there was one place that was ok. I was only working with them for a few months and was able to get out of if cleanly. So we went there for a couple of pints.
Well the joint was just like old times. A lot of the regulars who used to go to Kevin St James and Scruffy Duffy's had made their way there. You see a couple of bartenders from those joints opened up this place. One of them Mark used to work for the wife in Kevin's and he knows how to run a bar. Oh, it is called Hibernia and is on 50th off of Ninth Avenue. A nice little Irish joint.
We started in drinking and eventually ordered bar food, some chicken fingers and tater tots. Darts were thrown, lies were told and songs were sung. But we are too old for this shit. I mean it was like being in a bad episode of Rescue Me. All of these Micks tossing down the shots and singing along to the Ipod. (You see they kept up with the technology)
Anyhoo we didn't get home till four in the morning which made us shot for the rest of the day. I did talk to a couple of fella's who are firemen and that kind of set me on edge because one of them had lost his father on 911. So there was some sadness mixed in with the fun. Very Irish.
It's nice to relive old times but we have to move on with a lifestyle more in line with our physical capabilities these days.
It sucks getting old.
It's nice to relive old times but we have to move on with a lifestyle more in line with our physical capabilities these days.
Don't you have some upcoming surgery on account of your varicose vein?
Is that going OK for you?
It's next week, thanks for asking.
The doctor gave me a prescription for Valium. I have never taken any drugs stronger than a Bayer Aspirn so I am kind of freaked out. It is a simple procedure and I am supposed to only be off my feet for a couple of days. So we will see.
I felt like a dick when I had to sit in the bar with a cane. But what are you gonna do?
Love that picture!
Embrace the cane! Edmund Teller used to shut down people who disagreed with him by just pounding his cane louder than the speaker...such knowledge could be useful.
"It sucks getting old."
You got that right! Beats the hell out of the alternative though.
I was thinking to myself that the whole problem with such places is that they don't really go into high gear until after 11 PM or maybe even after midnight and then I read your confirmation that you got home at 4 AM. The young life is totally undoable after 50.
So true Ricpic. It didn't start rockin until past midnight.
Of course that was Tuesdy night.
It is for the young and stupid.
I spoke to my buddy who was there and he told me they kept the party rollin till morning light. Jeeez.
It's next week, thanks for asking.
Good luck with that. I'll be thinking about you.
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