I have been checking out the Real Housewives of DC. Well my wife has and I have to watch it if I want to get to watch "Louie" and "Rescue Me."
Let me tell you this is one hot mess.
Most of the pub from this disaster has revolved around the couple of grifters who sneaked into that White House party. But what is even more interesting is the playing of the race card by all and sundry. It is really something to see. They are setting up this nasty English Bitch called Cat to take a big fall. She is getting the Danielle Sponge Bob Square Tits edit and it is not going to end well.
Check it out if you like mayhem.
Everything you need to know about America can be found on Reality TV.
I realllllllllllllly hate reality TV.
Of course there are a lot of things AI reallllllllllllllly hate- lawyers, liberals, stupid political celebrities, Katie Couric...
Hey it is hilarious if you don't take it too seriously. Give it a chance. It is very bloggable.
Washington is like Philadelphia...without the sex appeal har har har. It's basically a company town. Like LA. In both places you're a nobody if you're not in "the industry." Not like NY where you can be a nobody and still have a full life. Well, a fullish life.
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