Sunday, August 29, 2010

I had a virus!

Well acutally my computer did. You know that I click on stuff all over the internet to dig up pictures for you animals and I picked up something nasty. So I had to get rid of it and it took all day.

Another reason for the light posting.


ricpic said...

Does everyone have to use that stupid google verification code? Or is there a way around it? Now I have to enter country (United States) and my phone number and wait for a call from google to give me a verification code number every effin time I want to post. If everyone has to do that I'll quit whining. Tell me it ain't so.

I bought a Mac because they told me I wouldn't have virus problems but now I have to contend with this stupid google business. Crying silently here.

blake said...



blake said...

I mean, I don't even have a word verification. But it really couldn't have anything to do with having a Mac.