Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Betty Rubble is a dirty girl....because the Dog Days are never over...for her!

Betty is just a dirty girl.

The dog days of the Summer are her favorite time.

She has a ticket to ride.

So to speak.

She is such a dirty girl.


chickelit said...

Hi-yo, Sliver, Away!

ndspinelli said...

Riding the baloney pony.

ricpic said...

Once they go Dino they don't go back. Of course the whole idea of going Dino in the first place is utterly repulsive to me and all moderately discriminating human beings - talking in obvious code here - but the phenomenon is just one more example of the fact that there are many many so called human beings out there with no zero nada discriminating tendencies at all. On the other hand it's a sweet summer eve with a light breeze wafting and the bees, our obvious superiors, are going about their lawful business 'mongst my purple coneflowers. So all is well despite humanity.

chickelit said...

Why did Trooper post a drawing of a farting pink spotted dog skewering Lady Godiva?

Is this supposed to be funny?

chickelit said...


MamaM said...

Questions abound.

Did Betty undergo breast reduction?

Or did this ride take place in the PreAmplement Era?

chickelit said...

Or did this ride take place in the PreAmplement Era?

Obviously, women hadn't evolved yet so probably Cro-minium era.