Thursday, July 26, 2012

Deep thoughts.....By Titus

Titus said...
Anyone been to the Dickeyville Grotto, Wisconsin?

It's where all the fudge packers hang out.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

It's just my team.


1 comment:

ndspinelli said...

Damn, I took my mom there once. I have pretty good gaydar and didn't see any homos. It's pretty lame, but it was a slight detour to the dog track in Dubuque. Mom liked to play the dogs and jai-lai. My old man preferred the ponies but would bet dogs and Basque Separatists also. Connecticut got jai-lai back in the late 70's or so. It was hot for awhile but interest slowly waned. It's no more. Fun game to watch, but tough to bet.