Tuesday, June 4, 2013


It has come to my attention that Titus went after chickenlittles kids in a recent post at TOP.

Now I have put up with a lot from Titus. I mean I do like some of his nonsense and I do find it amusing to mock his pretensions in posts that extrapolate from his stream of consciousness. He seems to have migrated his act to here from TOP as he posts here a lot more than at TOP. Maybe it is time he went back there and shared his bowel movements with them.

I think children are off limits. I felt the same way about what happened with Tm and his kids. I couldn't do anything about that. But I can do something about this.

So I deleted Titus and withdrew his permission to view this site.

I do believe in free speech but I don't want to be a hypocrite about it. When we had that big dustup about J there was a demand to delete or ban him from TOP. That did not happern. Perhaps because it is not techincally possible. But with my set up it is.

So he is out.

I have zero tolerance for attacking peoples kids.


The Dude said...

Wow, I am impressed. Didn't see that coming.

Trooper York said...

It is what it is.

I can put up with a lot of shit. Especially if it is directed at me.

But kids are off limits. Especially the kids of friend of mine.

The Dude said...

I appreciate that about you, Troop. My son works in your neighborhood and I am glad you are there to look out for him. You do look out for him, right?

Trooper York said...

As long as he is not a hipster.

The Dude said...

He is my son and I love him. His shoes are too pointy. He is my son and I love him.

ricpic said...

What about ugly kids?

Sixty writes pure Beckett. Samuel not Thomas.

Paddy O said...

I feel like I missed something. Or maybe didn't miss something. Something was missed.

But even if missed, it is a good response. The sign of a good man.

And now I also know to tell my daughter not to grow an ironic mustache if she ever moves to Trooper's neighborhood.

Michael Haz said...

Character. Good stuff. Bravo.

Chip S. said...

If you're talking about the Titus quote that chickie posted in the Jean S. thread, I don't see what he said that was so wrong.

I interpreted "hug your kids" as a way of saying "focus on what's truly important in life."

I could be completely wrong, of course, but that's the way I read it.

windbag said...

I think what you did was fab.


chickelit said...

Troop, I was pissed at Titus, but mostly for the reasons I stated. Like Sixty, I didn't expect you to banish him. But I appreciate the gesture.

Chip makes Titus sound poignant. What struck me last night was how he even knew I had kids. It's not like I bring them up to him. Or that he's even interested in kids. I try not to even mention them over at TOP, partly because of Tim's experience and also because of things I heard happened to Sippican Cottage.

MamaM said...

It will be interesting to see what transpires. Mr M and I got rid of one of our flower gardens last year, complete with the decorative fence the landscaper had installed to add ambiance (prior to our purchase of the place). It felt wasteful to turn the garden under and break up the fence, but I couldn't keep up with the weeds. After we moved the day lilies, I closed my eyes while MrM rototilled the rest of what was growing there, and then helped him lay sod over the top of what used to be. This year, green grass, which looks and feels good, along with planters on the deck filled with flowers that provide color, enjoyment and moments of refreshment and peace.

Titus is running out of boundaries and hot buttons to push. His feigned interest in others seems bound to narcissistic currency and fishing for new material and angles. He knows how to go for the jugular. Abusers do. It's part of the pattern, along with the cyclical rage driving the pointed nastiness. Those who've been abused can abuse others, or do the work of moving through their issues to find non-abusive outlets, with humor and creative expression being among them. I experienced Titus as clever, but rarely funny or mutual in his sharing or interests.

What struck me last night was how he even knew I had kids.

He sharpens up exponentially when he's on the attack.

Michael Haz said...

El Pollo - You mentioned your kids several times back in the old days at TOP, I believe. Not by name, but sort of generically. Horses played a part for one of them, I believe.

I think I did the same thing once, but quickly dropped the mentions because of the anoninimity that blog willingly gives to some creepy people, plus the Hostess' rip on at least one commenter's kid when that commenter was going through some family challenges.

Any comment that refererences her kids is promptly removed. But comments about other peoples' kids, not so much.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

My doppelganger seems to enjoy seeing one commentator savaging enother. She thinks of herself as a Roman nobel watching the games.

I rarely ever go there. I am not sure what Titus did exactly, I was hoping Titus would stop being a dick. Apparently not.

windbag said...

@EBL, You could replace the word "being" with a number of other verbs and stil have a correct--and humorous--statement.

Trooper York said...

chickie when you said "Say Hello to Trooper" I started thinking.

I was very tired of him going after MamaM and he was on thing ice but MamaM seemed to enjoy the back and forth and held her own.

But with the example of Tim's situation I decided a zero tolerance for getting kids involved is the way to go.

I think he is not even aware that I blocked him yet or I would have heard some screeching and protesting.

What's right is right.

chickelit said...

chickie when you said "Say Hello to Trooper" I started thinking.

OK I get that. And that's pretty much what I meant. I have respect for your integrity. Titus seems to be a member of the lavender mafia, and the mob needs its checks and balances.

Long live the TY blog!

chickelit said...

Michael Haz said...
El Pollo - You mentioned your kids several times back in the old days at TOP, I believe. Not by name, but sort of generically. Horses played a part for one of them, I believe.

Hmm. I remember tweeting some about that--the tack trunk I was building, etc. And I did a single blog post about it --in 2009. I'm pretty sure I wasn't on Titus' radar in either place though.

MamaM said...

MamaM seemed to enjoy the back and forth and held her own.

'Tis true. He was one of my outlets! He was a dirty player though, resorting to meanness and underhandedness when he was losing the game or couldn't trump.

Trooper York said...

I must admit that I found some of his shit amusing. But enough is enough and I don't want to seem to condone his behavior by letting him slide when he makes innuendo about peoples families.

That's what the "j" thing was all about.

One of the major benefits of having a closed shop is that I can cut people off right quick.

ndspinelli said...

Wow, I've been on a trip out west to Mt. Rushmore, Tetons, and Yellowstone. Seems like As The World Turns here. I hope we can get back to our "normal." Titus is a black hole of needy. Maybe I could tolerate him better than some because so is my mother-in-law. He was our shock jock, only not funny.

rcocean said...

Good for you Troop. Kids are off limits.

Case closed.

MamaM said...

"One of the major benefits of having a closed shop..."

Yes. I was thinking about that today. While the open shop had its share of dramas, benefits and distractions, the closed shop offers a different set of opportunities. Fitting for times such as these, in my opinion.

Maybe the sense of overwhelm I've been feeling recently is sign of old age setting in and maybe it's the result of me being tired of cunning.

I'll miss wrangling with Titus, but I won't miss his methods or presence here. He was invited many times over to respond in a semi-relational way and preferred instead to keep rolling out his absurdities and lies. Whatever glimmer of truth was behind his stories, finding the miniature pony wasn't worth the poop.

chickelit said...

finding the miniature pony wasn't worth the poop

Gorgeous. Just gorgeous.

Michael Haz said...

El Pollo - What I don't understand is why you continue to comment at TOP. If the hostess tolerates the kind of comments about your kids that you rightly find offensive, and if Titus remains welcome there, why to you still patronize the place?

MamaM said...

As much as they might wish it to be otherwise, it's possible commenting at TOP may not be solely about the hostess, Titus or their behavior.

chickelit said...

El Pollo - What I don't understand is why you continue to comment at TOP. If the hostess tolerates the kind of comments about your kids that you rightly find offensive, and if Titus remains welcome there, why to you still patronize the place?

TOP can be a rude place. I enjoy injecting humor (well, trying too hard at times) and many of the commenters. I'm aware of the headmistress' tolerance for bullies, and seek to tweek them. A chirbit vox upon both houses.

The Dude said...

E. P. Raylan, you have a wonderful ability to express yourself without going overboard. I lack such equanimity, as anyone who has read my work knows, so I applaud your continued efforts in creativity and humor. Long may you comment.

chickelit said...

I enjoy your unvarnished humor, Sixty.

The Dude said...

Yeah, when it comes to applying finish I am more of a mineral oil kind of guy. I leave varnish to others. And the desert - desert varnish is in a class by itself.

You could spar with varnish, but it might finish you.

MamaM said...

Deft, as a light varnish might apply!

I'd started writing a comment earlier today, before El Pollo's response to the question asked. I didn't get around to finishing it, but what I'd written fits, so here it is:

When we were homeschooling the boys, we enjoyed a series of book and videos by Science Historian, James Burke, in which he presented the interconnectedness of events, inventions and current technology. It was fun and surprising to see what he'd consider to be determining factors.

In my opinion, El Pollo's chirbits have served to point out and pin point aberrant and annoying behaviors with a playfulness that honors the target while delivering the message. They serve as cheeze movers and ground levelers; and have the ripple effect of causing others to pause, take note and hear what is being said and done from a different perspective.

From my point of view, Titus doesn't go after those who are not a threat to him. He pretty much sings his song independent of others, until someone steps on his shtick or siphons off some of the glory narcissism requires to survive. His use of TOP to launch an attack on El Pollo and deliver the message he did, appears to me to be connected to the status and attention El Pollo received with his earlier Betamax chirbit, in which a chirbit supplanted Titus as a "blog oddity" and "unique voice to be reckoned with"! (Months ago I suggested Titus plunge into chirbits as the next wave, but no, he wouldn't take direction!) The accolades, hits and laughter accompanying that particular chirbit put El Pollo into the "voice to be reckoned with category" and for that, a public trimming of the sails was required. Even without the mention of children, the demeaning attack appears to show up out of the literal blue, as the tone in the thread was playful but serious up to that point.

All this to say, from my Burke-ian vantage point, chirbits continue to function as well-done stirbits. Almost as good as a London Broil and a rose blooming in Brooklyn.

Darcy said...

Interesting. I miss most everything these days. Don't mess with our El Pollo Raylan! (Or Trooper)

And Sixty, even when you were far crankier in your comments here they still conveyed a very decent man somehow. Just maybe fed up.

It's been really cool to read the introspection you reveal now and then about your online interactions. I think you're too hard on yourself, though.

The Dude said...

Darce, you are very kind, thank you very much. It is easy for me to cross the line from what I think of as humor to something that is not funny at all, and I really don't want to be that guy.

@MamaM - I watched James Burke's "Connections" back when it was fresh. Great series. Black death led to printed materials becoming affordable - who woulda thunk it!

@Ricpic - I am unworthy to be mentioned in the same sentence as either Becket - they were accomplished men.

I am a modest man - work with me here, people! I set 'em up, you knock 'em down!

rcocean said...

MamaM -"I'll miss wrangling with Titus..."

I won't.

MamaM said...

work with me here, people...

Well, I thought deft was pretty good, a nice double whama-mamam-amy, with a satin finish.

Deft: Quick and skillful; adroit.
[Middle English...variant of dafte!]

The Dude said...

A local turner, an old guy, always uses Deft on his products. I haven't tried it yet mainly due to the "must dry for 3 days" requirement. I sand on Friday, apply finish Friday evening, sell on Saturday, or at least attempt to. So either I have to change my schedule or miss a week at market. Might be a good week for it - we seem to be having a tropical storm today.

A woman over in Wake county made a stunning black walnut bowl and applied 5 coats of Waterlox finish, followed by Renaissance wax. I was thinking about getting some of that due to how good it looks. But I better make something worthy of such fine finish, just sayin'.

No, what I was going for was "With much to be modest about". I am a modest man with much to be modest about.

And forget about my shortcomings - this is neither the time nor place for such a discussion.

Back to work!

Darcy said...

You're adorbs, Sixty.

chickelit said...

I too am a fan of sixty's wit and wisdom.

chickelit said...

One of my earliest chirbits was sort of a pean to Sixty Grit called True Grit "starring" Jimmy Stewart and John Wayne.

Darcy said...

Hi EP Raylan!

I will listen to that when I can. I miss these things because I can't check them out at work and am rarely online after work anymore. But thanks for the link!

The Dude said...

Well done, E. P.

Now prepare to be audited!

Trooper York said...

It looks like Titus found another outlet now that he is not welcome here.

His comments at TOP have really picked up.

More page clicks for the Evil Blogger lady.

This should be interesting.

chickelit said...

The long standing animus Titus holds for Meade will likely resurface. Prolly depends on how drunk Titus gets.

chickelit said...

Keep popcorn on hand.

windbag said...


I'm typing this from the lodge at Grant Village in Yellowstone. Went to the Tetons yesterday, and headed to Rushmore in a few days.

Michael Haz said...

Picked up in which thread? Quick scroll-through this morning, and I found nuthin'.

MamaM said...

Yoo Hooing for Papi: NSA data collection

Starting with the predicted deteste: Amazon Portal


Windbag: I believe you to be in
God's Country, or at least one of his hangouts--if you want to claim your state as home!. I hope you have good and relaxing trip with some awesome sights and experiences.