Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Summer should be about fun!

I want to enjoy this summer and not have to worry about nonsense. I have enough to worry about in the business that I don't need to add to the problem with extraneous bullshit.

I just want to sit in the yard and enjoy my sausage and pepper hero and smell the roses. Just sayn'


The Dude said...

Oh yeah, the pursuit of happiness. Skip the helium.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Did they make squeaky noises to each other just before the end?

I always find helium voices funny, but that is me.

As for summer cooking, I had some fresh sockeye last night that was incredible with sauteed tuscan kale. Some cold Riesling finished it off.

rcocean said...

ELB, you're almost a yuppie stereotype. Did you start off with Miso Soup and end with Italian Gelato?

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I have also been focusing on eggplant lately. Grilled and mixing it with meats and pasta. You can't go wrong with eggplant.

rcocean, nice. Now I like miso soup and Italian gelato, but no, I did not include them. I did use some Szechuan pepper to season the fish and veggies though (along with garlic and shallots).

The salmon was on sale and it was absolutely fresh and awesome (It was Copper River sockeye for less than $9 a lbs). I like that Tuscan kale because it tastes good compared to other varieties (a good balance of biter). It pairs well with the salmon.

I am cheap. So I generally buy what is a good deal that week and just wing it. This week worked out well. I bought several pounds of the salmon and I have been eating it for dinner all week. It is just moist, tasty and fresh. Unfortunately it is all gone now. I pan fry it skin down it so the skin gets all crispy and crackin good.

The riesling was $3.99 a bottle and it tasted decent. It was just half sweet, so strong enough to carry over the garlic I threw in the pan but not one of those sickeningly sweet whites. I went with an inexpensive pinot noir the night before (because red wine is good for you), and it was great too.

Michael Haz said...

That is the best plan for summer. Just have fun. If you aren't having some fun, you need to re-configure your life a bit to make room for it.

My every-day fun this summer is going to be to re-acquaint myself with the fun of playing horseshoes in the evening, just before sunset. I threw shoes long ago, and I still remember the perfect sound of horseshoes clanking against the stake, or clanking against each other in the pit. That, and the thwap! of a baseball caught in a leather mitt are two of the best sounds of summer.

Trooper York said...

You should try bocce Michael.

It is a hell of a fun game.

Of course you have to have a glass of wine after every throw to make it worth while.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

They still play bocce in public parks in Italian neighborhoods in Brooklyn and Jersey.

Trooper York said...

I know.

I get in a game every once in a while when the court is open.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Maybe I will go shotgun shooting this weekend and yell, "Tits" everytime the clay pigeons are pulled.

Michael Haz said...

Bocce is a lot of fun. There is a public park in the area that has beautifully groomed bocce courts (are they called courts?) Anyhow, most weekends they are taken by older Italian guys dressed all in white, drinking wine and busting each other. It's as much fun to watch as it is to play.

There are also some places to play cricket. And two fields where the Irish clubs play hurling.

You have to do these things when your MLB team sucks.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Bocce Ball Bellas Inspired by Trooper's suggestion on enjoying summer.

rcommal said...

You've certainly had more than your share of hassle, work & etc. this year. I really hope you have a deliciously humdrum (in the positive sense) yet fun summer, you and your missus.