Thursday, June 20, 2013

RIP Dave Jennings

One of my all time favorite NY Giants has passed away after a lingering illness.

Punter Dave Jennings was a "True Giant." Even though at the end of his career he spent some time with the dog ass Jets.

Most people don't pay much attention to punters. You only notice them when they don't do their job. So for him to have such a high profile is unusual. He did it by being a fair and articulate interview while he was a player and it carried over when he became an analyst for radio and TV. He would criticize the Giants when they deserved it but was not afraid to praise them when they did it right. He was just as good on the Jets telecasts as he was on the Giants.

He will be missed.

Rest in peace Dave.


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Jennings was a great punter. I am bummed by this news and it got over shadowed by James Gandolfini. RIP Dave.

rcocean said...

Ray Guy. Greatest punter ever.