Sunday, June 23, 2013

Sometimes I get tired.

Commenting on the Internet can interesting. But it can also be tiring. You want to express your opinion but it seems that you end up saying the same things over and over again.

Like the fact that killing babies is wrong.

But there is always somebody to disagree. I don't know if it is worth it. I think I tipping point might have been reached. The current law passed in NY has me thinking that it will never get better.

So maybe it is time to move on to other pursuits. Enjoying life. Letting go of the contentiousness. Leave it to the Ritmos of the world.

Sometimes I think I should stop talking.


The Dude said...

Stop talking any time you care to. Just don't stop posting here.

rcocean said...

Yeah, keep on posting. Regarding posting about politics. Yeah, the left is different. They LOVE to post about the same stuff, Forever. They seem to have a monopoly on psychos who just constantly say the say thing, like Ritmo. They do that in historical discussions too. Just give them a chance, and they'll talk about Joe McCarthy, or marching on Selma, or how Nixon was Jerk, for the 1000th time in a row.

Non-leftists have lives.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I find being away from TOP is generally a good thing. I recommend it (even if I did link that Separated at Birth thing I did with Ann). And Sixty's comment was pure gold.

The Dude said...

Speaking of separated at birth - it is getting to the point that Althouse and Hillary! are indistinguishable - no wonder she is always face down in that hag's lap. Or something.

MamaM said...

I can imagine art-works that feed the spectators, or a buffalo riding on the back of a giant sea turtle, or transmitting the genetic code of man to planets in outer space on electronic wave impulses. This fundamental freedom of the imagination places it beyond the control of the most fanatical police state. F. Eversole, The Politics of Creativity

The author's a trip, but the truth is there. Imagination cannot yet be controlled. It's the gift that made TY such a pain over at TOP (one to be mooed away) and it's what continues to give El Pollo's chirbits their stirring potential. It's also part of what allowed Titus's silliness to last as long as it did, as he tapped into and made use of the power of imagination.

The Saulinskis changed the game to create The No One Likes a Weasel Gotcha, which allows them to hint and point at shadows while sucking eggs, decapitating the roosters and wrecking havoc in the hen house.

Humor, imagination and fortitude will be needed to step outside the game and find a fresh approach. Yes, to enjoying life and letting go of contentiousness while holding on to uncontrollable creativity.

Michael Haz said...

What Sixty said, both times.

As for that other place, it's merely Astroturf City; the constant repetition of the same lies by the same puppets. Hear them often enough and you may begin believing them, or at least accepting them.

She wants to manipulate you into believing as she believes. That's giving your soul away.

blake said...

Ritmo is pro-baby killing?

The Dude said...

Don't know about Ritmo, can only assume, but I know Meade chose poorly when he decided to hitch his plow to that dusty ol' sway back.