Thursday, June 13, 2013

It has been very quiet in the loaf pinching department.

I am very surprised at how meekly Titus took his banishment. One face book message and one veiled comment at TOP and that's it.

I guess he has another outlet for his nonsense and is not surprised that he wore out his welcome here. It is pretty funny!

Internet relationships are very weird.  You think you know somebody and then they turn out to be completely different than what you suspect.

In any event I think it was a good thing and the atmosphere is much more congenial without the back biting and diva behavior.


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Titus was amusing at times, but after exposure to him you realize he really is mentally ill. He is a mess.

Nothing wrong with that, it was part of the reason he was occasionally amusing, but it does wear thin after a while.

Trooper York said...

Very thin. And repetitive.

The Dude said...

מנא, מנא, תקל, ופרסין

chickelit said...

I think we lost Chip, though. Did he flounce off in solidarity?

chickelit said...

I think I made my last written comment on TOP for a while about and hour ago. From now on I'm only going to speak in bits of chirb.

The Dude said...

I find it difficult to even read that mess over there - seriously, what is the point after a while - no one ever makes an argument that changes anyone's opinion, as near as I can tell. It's just the same tedious stuff, year after year, and damn, commies have no sense of humor whatsoever. Sad lot they are...

chickelit said...

I've just lost my patience for others who need to come on board there and pretend to have reasonable positions to aggravate people. And the apparent duplicity of people having more than one character. It isn't entertaining; it isn't reasonable and it isn't funny.

I'm just fucking sick of it.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Best thing that ever happened to me is being banned from Althouse.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Sixty, I ran that through Google Translate and it still did not make sense.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Then again, sort of like Titus.

TTBurnett said...

Looks like there's a sense of the meeting.

It's been The Night of the Living Dead chez Althouse for quite a while now. If I ran across that blog as it is now all those years ago, I wouldn't give it a second look.

Z is for Zero, and that's how it ends.
No readers, no power, no influence, no friends.

MamaM said...

...I ran that through Google Translate and it still did not make sense.

The enchanters, astrologers, and diviners called in by the king had similar difficulty. Which caused bafflement among the nobles. But the Queen recollected someone with insight, intelligence, and wisdom, and he delivered the goods, along with this addendum: You praised the gods of silver and gold, of bronze, iron, wood and stone, which cannot see or hear or understand. But you did not honor the One who holds in his hand your life and all of your ways.

The Dude said...

MamaM is right on the money, so to speak.

I was thinking of how to describe what happened to our recently departed psych case and those words sprang to mind.

But enough about that - we had a storm blow through here yesterday afternoon, 60 mph winds, the temperature went from 95 to 70 in a matter of minutes and this morning has dawned clear and cool. It's a beautiful day.

chickelit said...

You praised the gods of silver and gold, of bronze, iron, wood and stone,

And she's buying a heirway to Steven

MamaM said...

...'Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings.

chickelit said...

Bon sequitur!

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Wow. I had no idea that Titus had been banned.

His schtick was really getting tiresome and old. Potty humor has never been very appealing to me. I also didn't appreciate his personal and tasteless remarks to MammaM. I would hope that ChipS didn't leave.

Ah well.........

Trooper York said...

ChipS is just busy.

He is just smacking around Ritmo over at TOP.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Ha....then he IS up to doing good.

chickelit said...

He is just smacking around Ritmo over at TOP.

He is? I guess missed that. I saw revenant take a few swings.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

The story from Daniel was spot on.

And a hell of a lot better than pulling a thorn from the paw of a rare clumber.

rcocean said...

"Nothing wrong with that, it was part of the reason he was occasionally amusing, but it does wear thin after a while."

He "wore thin" about 3 years ago. A one-joke comic, who went on, and on, and on.

Darcy said...

I've met more than a handful of people face to face after first befriending them via blogs or Twitter. Except for one person, every one of them was at least what I expected, if not more charming.

Perhaps I've taken internet friendships more seriously than most, but it's worked out very well for me. I've gained some friends I treasure.

Titus is a puzzle, though. I was wary, but I have always felt that there was an element of vulnerability and truth that he shared amidst the schtick.

That said, when he turns hostile toward you it is not fun.

chickelit said...

Titus is a puzzle, though. I was wary, but I have always felt that there was an element of vulnerability and truth that he shared amidst the schtick.

Titus sometimes wrote about being teased growing up and having trouble in the Waunakee WI school system. This in turn morphed into his general contempt for his own roots after he left. In his meaner moments, Titus is dead set on avenging what ever beset him long ago. That's my armchair analysis.

Nice to see you here, Darcy. You look lovely.

chickelit said...

He is just smacking around Ritmo over at TOP.

I see it now.

TTBurnett said...

Titus was a troll. He had a troll's approach and a troll's ends. Jokes expected about that part of the sentence.

Psychologizing him is one way to pass the time.

Personally, I can think of others.

Darcy said...

I look lovely? You mean with my tongue sticking out? :P

Thank you, EP Raylan.

And yeah, I got the feeling Titus went through a lot growing up, too. But obviously, that would be no excuse for treating people poorly now.

Darcy said...

Hi Tim!

Well, the thread topic is about Titus, no? :)

The Dude said...

Titus' lack of honesty makes me think that try as we might, we could never piece together a meaningful diagnosis based on what he wrote, even with our impressive long-distance remote psychological forensic skills. And baby, we got some mad skilz!

In which mound of bullshit might we discern the truth of a pathological liar?

Hey Darce, too bad we never met IRL - that alone might have been enough to make you swear off the interwebs. ;^)

Darcy said...

Who says we won't, Mr. Grit? :)

And unpossible!

The Dude said...

Oh my...

MamaM said...

High Horse: an attitude of arrogant superiority; Arrogantly believing oneself superior to others, often by putting down large groups of people.

And one of the large groups Titus routinely put down was the one he claimed to champion and represent.

Chip S. said...

Hi Everyone!

I am super, thanks for asking.

Tim Tebow is going to be fab as a Pat.

edutcher is so not fab he couldn't get into Harvard with a dozen diversity points and a crowbar.



TTBurnett said...

Hi Darcy. Nice to see you, tongue and all. If I put up my own picture of similar sentiment, I'd probably use a hand gesture. You are, however, a more polite and whimsical person.

Et tu, Chip?

Chip S. said...

Fear not, TT. That shtick is no more interesting to write than to read.

chickelit said...

That shtick is no more interesting to write than to read.

It's best recited

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Wow, who knew Paul Lynde faked his own death and is really in hiding as Titus.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Of course, Titus is not Paul Lynde. Paul Lynde was funny a lot more than Titus is.

chickelit said...

Tough crowd. I need to find a moo-dee voice to channel EBL.

MamaM said...

A moo-dee deep voice, like the Allstate guy?

The Dude said...

Elsie the cow voice...

MamaM said...

'Pears to me as if Evi L's avatar bears a stronger resemblance to Beauregard than Elsie!

Looking up Elsie led to this hypothesis:

Laughing Cow cheese triangles and Elmer's Glue are made out of the same stuff.

chickelit said...

Titus said...
chick hates fags big time.

It's the wimp in him because a fag could beat the shit out of him in a second.

6/17/13, 7:30 PM

Supports my armchair analysis above.

Chip S. said...

I'm skeptical that Titus is actually gay; if he is, he's strictly the self-loathing variety. But I've long suspected that he's actually a gay-basher.

The self-portrait he paints is a by-the-numbers depiction of every gay stereotype, especially the arrested psychological development that left him w/ narcissistic personality disorder. I've never believed anything he wrote, except to allow that he may in fact have grown up--so to speak--in Cheeseland.

ndspinelli said...

ChipS, He definitely grew up in Waunakee, Wi.

The Dude said...

PI Nick is on the job!

chickelit said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chickelit said...

ChipS, He definitely grew up in Waunakee, Wi.

I was convinced of that too, Nick, having grown up 10 miles away and also about 10 years earlier than he. But I'm also convinced that Titus is a major dissembler.

MamaM said...

The probability of him working as a Human Resource Generalist for a Boston based company specializing in program evaluation and policy research is also very great.

I find his wool pulling, pseudo-dumbness, personal attacks and lampooning of homosexuality more reprehensible than the in-your-face lewdness and "edgy" crudeness he employs as cover.

The Dude said...

On his Facebook page he wrote the following "As a gay man living in Boston, where being gay is no big deal, I always wonder how it must be for a gay person living in Mississippi. Every gay person I know would never even go to that state in fear of being killed."

Yep, that's Titus, alright.

The dimbulb mentioned in an Althouse comment where his condo is located. I am not a PI but jeez, when one is as profoundly stupid as Steve is, it is easy to track him down. Should one be so inclined. Which I am not. Just so we are clear.

So I would argue that he is in fact dumb, not pretending to be.

But enough about that deviant...

MamaM said...

Back to Belshazzer, questionable writing on walls, and hubris.

It was hubris that did Belshazzer in. Beyond whatever acts he was engaged in at the time the hand appeared, he'd failed to take in or interpret the story of his father's life, written on the wall of memory long before the party started.

Hubris may be developed after a person encounters a period of success. Corporate executives and traders overcome by hubris may become a liability for their firms. A manager might start making business decisions without fully thinking through the consequences, or a trader may begin taking on excessive risk. In many cases, people overcome by hubris will bring about their own downfall.

chickelit said...

On his Facebook page he wrote the following "As a gay man living in Boston, where being gay is no big deal, I always wonder how it must be for a gay person living in Mississippi. Every gay person I know would never even go to that state in fear of being killed."

Titus wrote similar things on Althouse over the years. His visceral loathing of the Old South and even the so-called "New Confederacy" is shared by many of his cohort, some of whom pass as intellectuals. It's more of an urban east coast thing though than anything else. It was important for Titus to shed his old skin and put on the new as it were.

The Dude said...

I always like to think that nemesis shows up along with hubris. Bein' a classical kind of guy like that is how I roll. Not so much in the case of Steve - he may never encounter any difficulty in his life at all, that's not important in the big scheme of things.

No, I was thinking of our hubristic CiC. Ol' Jug Ears has some big time nemesis headed his way, if this tragedy is going to play out correctly. Now, as to who is Cassandra and who will be in the chorus, time will tell.

The Dude said...

My family has roots that go back many generations to antebellum Mississippi. I wouldn't be as offended if Titus had actually been there and seen the conditions on the ground, which are not good. My father left Mississippi in the '30s and only returned for his brother's funeral in '68. Other than that, he was over it.

What really amazes me is that someone from Wisconsin knocks any other state. Wisconsin? Really? Eat your cheese and shut up, packer fan.

MamaM said...

It was important for Titus to shed his old skin and put on the new as it were.

As if there'd be a new snake underneath.

john said...

This is all gossip, you know.

chickelit said...

Titus said...

Hi chicky wicky wimpy poo-cut and paste this everywhere in order to get some sort of affirmation.

6/18/13, 7:51 PM

Interesting in that he still reads here apparently.

chickelit said...

john said: This is all gossip, you know.

Not sure what you mean, john. If you mean we shouldn't be talking about Titus behind his back, I think I just showed that he reads here or someone is telling him that I cut and pasted that the other day.

I've confronted Titus here and at Althouse well before this. He taunts like a bully. The best I can do is try to hold the mirror for him.

MamaM said...

This is all gossip, you know.

All gossip?? I think not. Much of what has been said here is based on information and opinion Titus himself has made available through his varied and numerous postings over the years.

As for his public postings on the color and locations of pubic hair he'd never seen...well, that would better fit the "all gossip" tag.

john said...

It is gossip.

Of course, in the blogosphere we have different social rules, and I wouldn't argue with someone on that point.

MamaM said...

Here's the wiki definition:

Gossip is idle talk or rumor about the personal or private affairs of others. It is one of the oldest and most common means of sharing facts, views and slander. This term is used pejoratively by its reputation for the introduction of errors and variations into the information transmitted, and it also describes idle chat, a rumor of personal, or trivial nature.

I'm having a difficult time regarding information publicly shared on the internet about oneself, as "personal and private".

TTBurnett said...

Althouse planted a troll garden long ago. Many visitors come to gape at the figurines.

Titus is one of the grotesqueries.

You can exit through the parterre gate.
The path leads to higher ground.

MamaM said...

I live and learn, TT. The following description covers my experience of Titus.

Since at least the 18th century (in French and German as well as English), grotesque has come to be used as a general adjective for the strange, fantastic, ugly, incongruous, unpleasant, or disgusting, and thus is often used to describe weird shapes and distorted forms such as Halloween masks. In art, performance, and literature, grotesque, however, may also refer to something that simultaneously invokes in an audience a feeling of uncomfortable bizarreness as well as empathic pity.

As for Nemesis, I found she's loaded for bear, with the maiden goddess of proportion and the avenger of crime, having as attributes a measuring rod (tally stick), a bridle, scales, a sword and a scourge, and rides in a chariot drawn by griffins.

chickelit said...

Althouse adores the grotesque and those who frequent grottos in general. On that I can agree with TT.