Sunday, January 18, 2009

If a prosecutor can indict a ham sandwich, this sandwich will be my prisoner for life.

Well I went to Joe's Supperette on Smith St. yesterday because the wife had a waleda for some prosciutto balls and rice balls. When I was there I noticed that he had some Boars Head pepper ham. Now we used to call it prosciutini back in the day and all the deli's carried it. But most of them dropped it because most of the yuppie scum guys don't know what it is and it is a pain in the ass to slice. You see it is ham covered in black pepper and spiced to perfection. But as you slice it, the pepper stuff goes all over the place and you have to clean the machine before you slice something else.

Now Joe's Supperette makes the best sandwich's in Brooklyn. You have to realize that the place is filthy and hasn't been cleaned since Eisenhower was president. But he makes the best sandwiches and is known far and wide for his prosciutto balls. Now imagine a ball of cheese the size of a golf ball with little slivers of prosciutto deep fried like a mozzarella stick. It is heaven. Whenever I go there I get about 3 dozen as well as a dozen rice balls which I am sure most of you are familiar with. But when I saw the prosciutini I had to get a couple of pounds.

Now I made sandwich's to bring to the store with the prosciutini and provolone, red peppers and a little mustard on crusty Italian bread. I am eating it as I post this and just have to say:

"That's some good shit."


ricpic said...

That hard impacted dirt is harmless. It's when they finally get around to cleaning those delis that you're in danger.

Darcy said...

Oh, man. That sounds delicious, Trooper.

Hungry now.

Ruth Anne Adams said...

Eh. Rats have to eat, too. They might as eat well.

blake said...

You see it is ham covered in black pepper and spiced to perfection.

OMG. I have to have that. I know who to ask, too.

Nichevo said...

So do you know the deal with Sam's on Court St.? Are they closed or what? Nuclear coal-oven pizza and everything else I had was terrif. Great steaks. Old style phone booths like Mad Dog Coll was gunned down in. Doesn't ring a bell?