Saturday, January 17, 2009

A fine soft day in the spring.

[first lines] Father Peter Lonergan, Narrator: Well, then. Now. I'll begin at the beginnin'. A fine soft day in the spring, it was, when the train pulled into Castletown, three hours late as usual, and himself got off. He didn't have the look of an American tourist at all about him. Not a camera on him; what was worse, not even a fishin' rod.
(The Quiet Man, 1952)


Darcy said...

That's a great pic, there.

ricpic said...

Who's the figure on the right with the pipe? Is that John Ford?

Was John Wayne of Irish descent?

Trooper York said...

Yes the picture was framed by the Ford brothers. On the far left is Francis Ford and the far right is John Ford.

Wayne was indeed of Irish descent but a little remarked fact is that he only loved and married hispanic women. It might throw some of the "Wayne" haters for a loop.

Francis Ford always had bit parts in his brothers movies. John Ford came West to work with his brother who was a star actor and director in the silents. Francis Ford was a rival and contemporary of DW Griffith and treated his brother somewhat badly when he first came out to Hollywood. John Ford made sure he tortured him for the rest of his life.