Friday, January 2, 2009



We have young girls working for us in the store and all they do is text all day long. They think you don't know what they are doing but whenever you look up they are texting away on work time. Now there is always a million things to do in the store and texting for twenty minutes out of every hour is not an option. It drives my wife crazy.

So we are putting in a new rule. Texting will be like smoking. If you have to text, you have to go outside and freeze your cootch off. That will limit the texting. I don't want to be too much of a hard ass and the wife and several of the older women go out for a smoke. I want to discourage that so I am putting them on an equal footing.


Hoosier Daddy said...

I will never understand the whole 'texting' thing. I mean Mrs. Hoosier and I will once in awhile text like 'get milk' or 'will be late' but that's about it.

It's also expensive as hell unless you get one of those packages that include it. Otherwise it's 20 cents a pop which is frickin ridiculous. Talk about a rip off.

Trooper York said...

Hey my maid has a bluetooth and she is talkin to freakin Colombia nonstop for hours. How does that work? I really must be paying her too much.

Trooper York said...

My wife always yells at me that I don't turn on my phone. I tell her I don't want to be always available. It makes her insane when I do that.

I must admit that is part of the fun of doing that. Just sayn'

Asante Samuel said...

I'm so digging on this word cootch. Google says it means what I thought it meant, but it also says that in Wales it refers to a room used to store coal. Eeeew.

There is also a link to a family name of Cootch. Tough luck to them.

Meade said...

Hey! All of a sudden I'm not getting anymore texts from all the barely-19 Brooklyn babes I've been having internet... relationships... with.

Every 10 or 15 minutes or so, my iPhone would chime, I'd take a peek, and there would be another hot message: "You, Meade, are so hot" "Such a babe magnet" "Luv ya" "Come to NY and do me NOW!" That sort of thing.

It was un-freaking-believable! My little trooper york hasn't had this sort of fun in 30 years - standing at attention and saluting his every... good... fortune. And now -- squat.

Wha hoppined?

KCFleming said...

My daughter is mvoing out, her first job. We talked to her about her cell phone bill and how she will be paying for it and how although voice occupies more space than the the mere few bytes that text does, the prices are inverted.

She had the saddest eyes just then.
She loves to text.
Thumb-typing? Blecch.

Trooper York said...

You should have seen the big eyes and quivering lips when the no texting rule went down.

These crazy kids today.

KCFleming said...

For some it's become oxygen.

Meade said...

*gasping for air*