"How come there was no party for Sixto when I retired?'
"I was the muy buenoest player El Brewers ever had. Not the maricon who takes needles and mucho mas in el coulie."
"I es muy bueno. I like to party. I like to disco."
"I see Danny Terrio."
Monday, September 29, 2014
Instant Replay- The Unedited Version
The team celebrated today because we won our first game. We kicked the Lions ass. Which isn't that hard to do. They were never really any good. Their defense sucks and Mitt Plum just was a loser. Everyone knows anybody named Mitt is a loser. They should have went with Earl Morrall but the coach didn't like him very much.
So we all celebrated the way we like to do when we win a big game. "The Golden Boy" convinced a couple of rookies to take a whirlpool with him. Willie Davis snorted some coke. Max and Boyd drank some white lighting and burned a little cross in Elijah Pitts locker.
Oh and Coach put on his tight stretch pants and stood next to Jim Taylor when he wasn't wearing any underwear.
We all have our rituals.
(Instant Replay- The Unedited Edition, Jerry Kramer & Dick Schaap Random House 1968)
So we all celebrated the way we like to do when we win a big game. "The Golden Boy" convinced a couple of rookies to take a whirlpool with him. Willie Davis snorted some coke. Max and Boyd drank some white lighting and burned a little cross in Elijah Pitts locker.
Oh and Coach put on his tight stretch pants and stood next to Jim Taylor when he wasn't wearing any underwear.
We all have our rituals.
(Instant Replay- The Unedited Edition, Jerry Kramer & Dick Schaap Random House 1968)
Tales from Amy's Garden
Hazel: You are finally back Kehaar. Thank you for
scouting over the heather. We need to know what is happening but it is too
dangerous for us to send out the Owlsa. Did you find anything on your flight?
Kehaar: Nothing
matey! Nuthing you would care about Mr. Hazel.
Hazel: Did
you fly over the old warren? How are they doing over there?
Kehaar: Many
rabbits. Too many rabbits. All of them fighting. But not like old days. Now all
fight with nasty black crow. He pecks and he pecks at their eyes and they all
get very angry. Everything seems to be
about the crow.
Holly: I am
not surprised. It was always an evil place. A place where the black crows will
go to take over and destroy everything. Like Detroit.
Bigwig: What
do you mean?
Holly: [shows
Bigwig the scar on his stomach] You see this? They did it to me. I was minding my own business when a bunch of
crows went on a riot. They attacked everyone in a flock. There was nothing you
could do. They were all angry because a farmer shot a crow who was stealing his
corn. The crows claim the corn belonged to them. They didn’t plant it. They
didn’t weed it. They didn’t harvest it. But they still claimed it was theirs.
And that the farmer was a murderer because he tried to stop them from stealing.
Plus they said I was a Jew. I don’t even know what that means.
Bigwig: What
do you mean? What is a Jew?
Holly: I don’t
know but it must be bad. They kept calling me that while they pecked at me.
They tried to destroy everything. Then even destroyed their own nests. Why
would they foul their own nests when they are angry. Crows are very strange.
They are their own worst enemy.
Bigwig: It
sounds like the old warren is even worse than it ever was before. I am glad we all
left. What else did you see Kehaar?
Kehaaar: Many
other things. There is a new warren not so far from here. Many of the rabbits
have gone over there. Even some of your own Mr. Hazel. They hop from here to
there. Over the highway. It is strange.
The farmer is not like the crazy old lady who owned the old warren. He seems
very nice. If wimpy. Like a balloon
without enough air. But he strict. Throw you overboard if you say wrong thing.
He want all rabbits to play nice. Before he eats them.
Holly: That
is the thing with farmers. You can’t trust them. They will turn on you.
Sliver: I am
glad we are in our own place.
Holly: Me
too. I just wonder who owns this land.
Hazel: Thank
the great Lord El-ahrairah that this farm is owned by that fat man who is
worried about his own concerns. He doesn’t worry about what the rabbits say or
do. He is just trying to get a sandwich and look at woman’s teats. In fact I
think that is his job.
Holly: Plus
he doesn’t like rabbit. Only cow.
Hazel: I
know. That is a good thing. We are very lucky.
Marilyn's Diary
I loved my Uncle Herman. Ever since the first night he came upstairs to lick my virgin teenage body I would do anything he asked.
Straight sex. Oral. Anal. A Transylvania Steamer. A golden shower. Even the Rusty Transylvania trombone. But I had to draw the line.
You see he wanted to film us.
Now Uncle Herman had a long career in Hollywood. Of course that was when he was going under the name Tod Browning. He eventually dropped out because Hollywood wanted escapism and not the gritty realism that Uncle Herman's films offered.
Still I refused to make a sex tape. I had my standards.
Perhaps that is why he left me. I will never know.
Whose that girl in the camel toe korner?
She has it all. Wealth. Power. Great looks. Camel toe.
She is smiling cat a Cheshire catwoman. Her slogan became "No Justice....I get peace."
Whose that girl with the cameltoe?
No comment news.....news you can not comment on because of the thought police
RICHMOND, Virginia (AP) — Police in Virginia say the investigation into the case of a missing university student has turned up a lead in the 2009 disappearance and death of another young woman.
Virginia State Police said in a written statement Monday that the arrest of 32-year-old Jesse Matthew Jr. provided a forensic link for investigators to pursue in the case of Morgan Harrington. The 20-year-old disappeared while attending a concert at the University of Virginia five years ago. Her remains were found in nearby Albemarle County.
Matthew is charged with abduction with intent to defile 18-year-old Hannah Graham. The British-born student hass been missing since Sept. 13. Matthew is being held in jail without bond.
We have to get the kinks out
Fixing up the new store entails more than just the physical layout.
We have to have the bras ready and easy to get to so people are not standing around and able to change their mind.
Formerly we had them in boxes like the photo above but now we have so many that we have to find another way to store them. Just not like this.
These are all bras I have to return because of a structural defect. Of course the company does not want to take them back. This is a replay of what happened when we first opened the store and started buying from other companies and found out that they were crap.
Problems of a shopkeeper that I am sure nobody wants to hear about.
That store is just dangerous!
Everyday on our way to work we pass this little antique store on the corner of 1st Place and Court St. Lisa always finds some bullshit thing she wants to buy and I always have to plea bargain out of buying another mirror or piece of furniture. But every so often there is something that caught my eye.
I just saw these mallets that I thought would be great for the store. I mean they are the perfect tool to keep my employees in line. Unfortunately they were way too flimsy to be useful because the girls are way too hardheaded and they would break the first time I bop them on the noggin. So I had to pass.
However I did find the perfect housewarming gift for Aaron Rodgers. Let me know if any of you Packer Fans want me to pick them up for you.
It was a good weekend
Sorry for the lack of posts but I was celebrating what Lisa is calling my "Birthday Weekend." Not that I cared about it but she is setting the stage for her upcoming birthday which would call for some crazy festivities as it does every year.
This year at this time I was in hospital waiting for a pacemaker so I am very grateful that I have survived another year. I thank God and all of the good wishes and prayers that so many kind people sent to me.
The store was actually pretty busy this weekend and just in time because we really have to generate sales. Luckily we got some good Lee Lee's customers along with new lingerie people which has been pretty steady since we finally opened the back store. I finally got a board for outside for the back store and that has helped. So hopefully we are going forward on all cylinders.
Thursday, September 25, 2014
It's De Blasio Time.. nobody is safe!
New York Post, September 25, 2014
Mayor Bill De Blasio has groundhog blood on his hands!
A week after Hizzoner dropped Staten Island Chuck in front of a crowd of spectators on Feb. 2, the winter-weather prognosticator died of internal injuries — and then the coverup began, The Post has learned.
Staten Island Zoo officials went to great lengths to hide the death from the public — and keep secret the fact that “Chuck” was actually “Charlotte,” a female impostor, sources said Wednesday.
Modal Trigger

The zoo told a few Staten Island Zoo supporters, but claimed the groundhog died of natural causes.Photo: Staten Island Advance
The stand-in was found dead in her enclosure at the Staten Island Zoo on Feb. 9 — and a necropsy determined she died from “acute internal injuries,” sources said.
She had fallen nearly 6 feet when the mayor lost his grip during the Groundhog Day photo op. Sources said her injuries were consistent with a fall.nstead of revealing the sad loss, the zoo — which gets nearly half of its $3.5 million in annual funding from the city — told the staff to keep the mayor’s office in the dark about the animal’s fate.
They told only a few zoo supporters — but claimed that the groundhog had died of natural causes.
“I was told he died of old age, that he went to that big farm in the sky,” said Assemblyman Matthew Titone (D-SI), who later learned how the animal had died.
The zoo also never revealed the biggest secret of all — that the part of Chuck was being played by Charlotte. Chuck was benched because the zoo feared he could bite de Blasio, as he did Mayor Michael Bloomberg in 2009.
The zoo doesn’t make public that it has stand-in groundhogs to protect the “groundhog brand,” insiders said.
A zoo spokesman tried to downplay the mayor’s role in the critter’s death, saying the animal was examined and seemed fine.
“It appears unlikely that the animal’s death is related to the events on Groundhog Day,” the spokesman said.
The mayor’s office learned of the death for the first time from The Post.
“We were unaware that Staten Island Chuck had passed but are sorry to hear of the loss,” said spokesman Phil Walzak.
The zoo plans to pull the same groundhog switcheroo next year by using the groundhog couple’s young daughter — also named Charlotte — in the role of Chuck, zoo sources said.
Instant Replay-The Unedited Edition
We had a tough practice today because the “Golden Boy” is
back and the Coach is running him ragged. He ran that same off tackle play
about a hundred times. You see the
league just let him back in after he was suspended for a year for gambling.
Hornung was betting on the games. We just hoped he was betting on us to win.
The league suspended him and Alex Karras for a year. Coach
Lombardi called Commissioner Rozelle every day. Three times a day. He kept
busting his chops until he let Hornung back on the team. I mean it wasn’t like
he did anything serious like using the “n” word or doing a war dance or
slapping around his maid. I mean he just bet on football when he could shave
points and affect the outcome of the game. I am sure he never made us lose. He
just shaved it a little.
Just like he used to do to his ball sack. It was quite
unpleasant actually. He wouldn’t do it. He would have one of the rookies do it
as a rite of passage. At least that’s what he said. He was all about the rookie’s
Coach Lombardi didn’t care about that. He didn’t care about
what laws were broken. If you shaved points or even threw a game here or there.
You see if you were a star player he would do what he had to do to get you on
the field.
Winning isn’t everything. Winning is the only thing.
(Instant Replay- The Unedited Edition, Jerry Kramer & Dick Schaap Random House 1968)
It is still soft....the opening that is
We finally put the finishing touches on the new store last night. The gay guy who make our curtains finally showed up and we were able to put them on the dressing room pole. Lisa merchandised the store to make it attractive and to make it easier to get at the product without searching all through both stores as we have been doing for the past couple of months. It was a lot of work. In and amongst a lot of other work we have been doing. But it is shaping up nicely.
We have already had a pretty good response. Yesterday we sold a French bra that went for $170. It is by a famous French company and a French broad bought it. She is going to spread the word to all the other frogs in the neighborhood so it looks like we might have a busy weekend God willing.
Now that is not our typical price point. We have a bunch of sets at around sixty dollars which is about as low as you can go without sell Kmart or Wallmart type stuff. Plus plenty of Spanx and stockings and hose and bra extenders and who knows what else to make a buck.
I am leaving the lights in the window on overnight to get people to peek inside. It is with low wattage LED blubs so it shouldn't cost me all that much and might be a good ploy.
Let's hope it works!
We have already had a pretty good response. Yesterday we sold a French bra that went for $170. It is by a famous French company and a French broad bought it. She is going to spread the word to all the other frogs in the neighborhood so it looks like we might have a busy weekend God willing.
Now that is not our typical price point. We have a bunch of sets at around sixty dollars which is about as low as you can go without sell Kmart or Wallmart type stuff. Plus plenty of Spanx and stockings and hose and bra extenders and who knows what else to make a buck.
I am leaving the lights in the window on overnight to get people to peek inside. It is with low wattage LED blubs so it shouldn't cost me all that much and might be a good ploy.
Let's hope it works!
One year ago today
One year ago today I was in the hospital. I had been diagnosed with congestive heart failure and they were medicating me before deciding on putting in a pacemaker.
I want to thank everyone who was so wonderful to Lisa and me while I was sick. You concern and all of the things you did were really, really appreciated. I know I have said it before but from the bottom of my heart I say thank you!
I can say it from the bottom of my heart because it is not full of water. On my last check up the doctor said my numbers are very good and additional surgery is not indicated.
Most of all I thank God for his infinite mercy.
I want to thank everyone who was so wonderful to Lisa and me while I was sick. You concern and all of the things you did were really, really appreciated. I know I have said it before but from the bottom of my heart I say thank you!
I can say it from the bottom of my heart because it is not full of water. On my last check up the doctor said my numbers are very good and additional surgery is not indicated.
Most of all I thank God for his infinite mercy.
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
What would give you a splinter in your twat?
Woody was at this lowest point. He had not been able to finance a movie for quite a while. Even the people in France were tired of him.
He was still living with his ex-girlfriends adopted daughter. In fact they got married and a had a few kids of their own. But that didn't stop Woody's mad sexual obsessions.
He would fly around from bird house to bird house. To peep in on young girls hoping to find them naked.
He even spied on his ex wife. But a funny thing happened. He was almost sure she saw him. He thought she was posing for him.
Maybe she wanted some more of his woodpecker...wood pecker.
(Walter Lantz, The E True Hollywood Story of Woody Woodpecker)
No comment News.....News you can not comment on because of the thought police.
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) — A 19-year-old South Florida woman faces child abuse charges after deputies say they found her 5-month-old child in her vehicle's trunk lying on a pair of hedge clippers and surrounded by dangerous objects including a gas can.
Broward Sheriff's deputies say they tried to pull over a vehicle on Tuesday but Breona Watkins kept driving. When she stopped, the deputy heard a baby crying in the trunk.
Deputies say Watkins told them she asked her 14-year-old passenger to slide the baby into the trunk through a back seat panel because she didn't want to get ticketed for not having a car seat.
Watkins remains jailed on $7,000 bail. It wasn't known whether she has a lawyer.
Marilyn's Diary
Aunt Lily cast around for some way to get Uncle Herman to be interested in her sexually. You see ever since we stated doing it he had not laid a finger on her. She tried everything. Aphrodisiacs. Sexy lingerie. Weird positions. Toys.
There was only one time that she got a rise out of him. She fashioned a butt plug from a railroad tie. It kept him interested for a while.
But she lost him. In the end. So to speak.
There was only one time that she got a rise out of him. She fashioned a butt plug from a railroad tie. It kept him interested for a while.
But she lost him. In the end. So to speak.
The Case of the Solicitor's Suitor.
My dear Holmes,
It is your most humble petitioner, Inspector Lestrade. As you know it has been several years since I have last requested your assistance in the troubling matter of the disappearance of Lord Douchebag and over a year since we examined the obscene affairs of the odious Lady Chatterley and her grass stained lover. Today I must ask for assistance in an entirely different matter.
It seems that one of most astute detectives has gone over the moon and lost all of his professional perspective. You will remember Inspector Bradstreet who so ably assisted your inquires in the matter of the Blue Carbuncle last Yuletide past. It seems that the inimitable Bradstreet has become enamored with the discourse of a lowly penny dreadful publisher who is amazingly enough a solicitor! Inspector Bradstreet sends over notes and telegrams and posts every few minutes. He comments on the musings of every other person who contacts this somewhat pusillanimous prevaricator to the point of obsession that is most unseemly to a Detective of his stature of Scotland Yard. Inspector Bradstreet constantly touts the musings of this discourse and seeks converts and followers with the zeal of the most fanatic Spanish evangelist. He even attempted to proselytize Inspector Gregson who as you might remember has fallen into a dreamlike revere as he contemplates his own bowel movements and small rather ugly spaniels.
I must confess that this state of affairs has dumbfounded me as I had always considered Inspector Bradstreet as an estimable personage and fount of good common sense wisdom. Since you had worked closely with him I beg your indulgence and ask for your assistance. Would it possible for you to talk to Inspector Bradstreet to remind him that all solicitors are at base corrupt and debased and not to be trusted in the realm of social intercourse. He has seemed to have lost all perspective and acts like a follower of that noted fop and socialist Wilde. I only prey that he has not adopted any of his more outré practices that might come to the attention of the upper echelon of the yard.
Please give my best to your brother Mycroft who I recall has moved to countryside of Yorkshire to work on his art. I hope he was not offended that I returned his etching of the naked Greek boys frolicking in a banana grove but I am afraid that it was not to my taste and did indeed scandalize my wife. Please assure him that I do appreciate his talent and if ever he assays a depiction of beagles playing whist on black velvet I would most assuredly place it in a place of honor above my familial hearth.
I remain as always,
Your obedient servant,
Inspector G. Lestrade
November 12, 1898
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Stupid Moose and Squirrel will Die!!!!!
Natasha never could quite get over the fact that her two costars were not interested in her sexually. She only had her sexuality to offer. Or at least that is what she thought.
You see she had a lot of trouble with the language. She had originally appeared in Russian cartoons. She was a child star who got her start because she was molested by Sergei Eisenstein in a pool when he was supposed to be taking photos of her for a children's book. So sex and employment were always intrinsically linked in her mind.
Her first bit in Hollywood was in a lesbian loop with Betty Boop and some bestiality porn with Deputy Dog. She really had to work on that droopy mutt to get him up. Nothing was as frustrating as these ridiculous Moose and Squirrels.
They would have to die!
(Jay Ward and Alex Anderson, Rocky and Bullwinkle, E True Hollywood Story)
Instant Replay The Unedited Version
We lost Willie Davis for two games this week. To a concussion. All because of domestic violence.
Not Willie of course. He is a pussycat who wouldn't hurt a fly. He wouldn't lift a finger to his wife. It seems his wife Bertha beat the crap out of him. She brained her with the frying pan that she was making pancakes with yesterday morning. You see Big Bertha only knows how to cook pancakes because that is what she learned from her Auntie. Plus rice which she learned how to cook from her Uncle. I think she called it perverted rice or something but it is pretty good.
Anyway Willie causally asked if they could have something other than rice because he was starting to feel like a Chinaman and that is when Big Bertha brained him with the skillet. So we don't have a defensive end this weekend for the game against the Eagles.
Coach Lombardi has a strict no tolerance policy against domestic violence. He once cut Jerry Norton for beating up his maid. Now Jerry claimed it was an accident because he was practicing his punting and she walked right into his kick. She sort of got kicked in the punt so to speak.
But Coach didn't stand for that. He cut him then and there.
(Instant Replay- The Unedited Edition, Jerry Kramer & Dick Schaap Random House 1968)
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Hey it is soft......a soft opening
Well we had the soft opening of the back store today. We did some pretty good sales. No promotion. No announcement. Just people walking by.
It takes a couple of months to get the kinks out of a new store. You have to figure out where everything goes. How to display stuff. Where to put the back stock. In fact everything has changed since we took these photo's earlier in the day. It is an ongoing project.
For example we switched the bras and the night gowns in this photo. The bras are now in the foreground when you first walk in the door. The underwear on the nearest table had been sitting in the front store for weeks with no one buying them. We sold six pairs today. It is all about the display.
A bunch of stuff has to still be done. I am going to hang chains from the ceiling for display. I have to cover up the fridge. I also have to sort out the shelving and how I will utilize it.
But we are opened. Finally.
It takes a couple of months to get the kinks out of a new store. You have to figure out where everything goes. How to display stuff. Where to put the back stock. In fact everything has changed since we took these photo's earlier in the day. It is an ongoing project.
For example we switched the bras and the night gowns in this photo. The bras are now in the foreground when you first walk in the door. The underwear on the nearest table had been sitting in the front store for weeks with no one buying them. We sold six pairs today. It is all about the display.
A bunch of stuff has to still be done. I am going to hang chains from the ceiling for display. I have to cover up the fridge. I also have to sort out the shelving and how I will utilize it.
But we are opened. Finally.
Where have all the stories gone......
I have been in a creative dry spell lately as I have not been working my continuing series the way I used to do earlier in the year. Even when it cries out for a "Hell Needs a New PA Announcer" I just can't get enough time to spend to write it out.
Part of it is the new store. The Japan order. My new office area. We are so busy that we leave my computer home where I compose most of the stories. Also we have been staying up on the second floor instead of downstairs where I would sit in my chair while the wife talked on the phone. She is often on the phone for a couple of hours after we get home and I would take the time to write. But when we are upstairs I just sit around and use the Ipad which is really only good for commenting. I really can only write on my computer.
Maybe the colder weather will give me more time to be creative. I know I miss it. It also leads to fewer comments and less interest. But you gotta do what you gotta do.
Happy Valley is a pretty good show
I love to read our friend Blake's great blog "The Bit Maelstrom" to get movie reviews and decide what I am going to spend my hard earned money on when I go to pay per view. He always gives me a feel for the latest flicks so I can decide if I want to chance it.
Personally I don't like movies much anymore. They are mostly just bullshit. I certainly don't want to go to a movie house with a bunch of other people and listen to their bullshit while me feet are stuck to the floor from spilled sticky soda and smelly popcorn farts. I prefer to watch my widescreen smart TV on my couch with snacks and a bathroom steps away.
So I concentrate on TV series. Now that I have Netflicks I get a bunch of great new shows that I know nothing about. One of them was a little British cop series called "Happy Valley."
Now it stars a couple of Brits you might be familar with. One is Mrs. Obrien from "Downton Abbey" who left that series to come to this one. She plays the alcholic drug addicted sister who is trying to recover while living with her police Sergent sister and her grandson. That sister is played by a great actress named Sarah Lancashire who you might know from "Last Tango in Halifax" which is another great series to be found on Netflicks ( which I will talk about in another post).
This series only has six episodes but is an adsorbing crime drama about kidnapping. The Yorkshire countryside is also a character and very interesting to me. This series is great TV viewing and short enough that you won't get bored. So if you have a chance you should check it out. It beats the crap out of most of American episodic TV.
De Blasio Time
We have been having a lot of issues lately on Court St.
I had graffiti on my wall for the first time in a couple of years. Large packs of youtes are walking up and down Court St where this didn't happen so much before. They usually left school and went to the subway or bus and then home. But now they are walking around egging each other on cursing and pushing each other.
Then came the day that Japan was coming to do their wholesale shopping. I was in the back office part working up some of the paperwork when the door opened and this guy comes in. Wearing a Scream mask. My next door neighbor Nelson who owns the bodega was right behind him. With a Con Ed guy who was getting a sandwich. I saw it on the Camera and started to put my computer down and get out of the chair I was sunk in. I have to figure something out because me reaction time it too slow with this set up. But Lisa's wasn't.
She reached behind her and took out the bat we keep behind the counter. She told the guy "Get the fuck out of my store before I beat the living shit out of you." The dude looked behind him and at her charging him and he ran outside. He stood there for a minute but ran for his life when Lisa came out and I was right behind her.
Lisa was yelling at him. Pretty much scared the shit out of everyone on Court St.
Naturally I called the cops. The douche on the phone said to me "Well what did he do? Did he have a weapon? Did he still anything? Did he say anything?" "No my wife chased him out of the store with a bat." "You should not have done that." "What the fuck?" "You have to let us handle it. You could get in a lot of trouble if you did anything to him." "What you want us to wait until we got hurt or robbed or whatever?"
I am going to the community board meeting to ask why there are no foot patrols but I already know the answer. The police. Only minutes away when every second counts. The thieves have the rights. The store owner or house owner has none and is just there to be in a Michael Brown video or be George Zimmermaned after the fact.
It is De Blasio time.
"The Last Shall be First"
Today's Gospel was a particularly hard one for me. It was the parable of the landlord who went to hire the Mexicans of his day to work in his vineyard. He went and hired people at 9am and then noon and then 3pm and then at 5pm. When it came time to pay them he paid them all the same. Naturally the people who worked all day were upset. They thought they should get more money because they worked hard all day long and the people who only worked for an hour got the same money. The landlord said who are you to tell me not to be generous. It ends with the famous line: "Thus, the last will be first, and the first will be last."
I know that this is something I struggle with every day. Father Chris gave a great homily in which he told us we should not begrudge people who get the benefits even if they don't earn them. But it is something that has always bothered me.
I will give you an example. Part of the homily was the usual appeal for dough. They are taking a second collection for the suffering Christians in Syria and Iraq and the Middle East. So the people who put the dough in the collection basket are being hit up for another collection. I am happy to put some money in because I know it will be spent wisely. Or least I hope it will be. But on my way out of the church a funny thing happened. A common thing but something that bugs me. I was on line to shake Fathers hand and chat with him for a moment as I do every Sunday. I had missed him the last few weeks because we had a visiting priest from Africa. As I was waiting a big family of obviously Irish people pushed their way into the church. They were all dressed in their Sunday best and were obviously there for a Christening. So they pushed all the regulars out of the way to talk to Father Chris. There must have been twenty of them. Father just looked at me and shrugged. What can you do?
I just left to go open the store.
What got me is that none of the people who were there for the christening came in for the Mass. It seemed that they had stood outside until Mass was over. What was that about? Where they just waiting for the cafeteria to open? These were obviously very affluent people who every expensive clothes and jewels and cars parked illegally outside. Not the widows and working class people who make up the congregation who struggle to put a few bucks in the collection plate each week. Sometimes I think the Jews have it right. They charge big bucks for their ceremonies. Whatever.
I don't think the way I feel makes me a good Catholic. In fact it probably makes me a bad one. Maybe a very human one. I am trying to do better with it. "The last shall be first and the first shall be last."
I know that this is something I struggle with every day. Father Chris gave a great homily in which he told us we should not begrudge people who get the benefits even if they don't earn them. But it is something that has always bothered me.
I will give you an example. Part of the homily was the usual appeal for dough. They are taking a second collection for the suffering Christians in Syria and Iraq and the Middle East. So the people who put the dough in the collection basket are being hit up for another collection. I am happy to put some money in because I know it will be spent wisely. Or least I hope it will be. But on my way out of the church a funny thing happened. A common thing but something that bugs me. I was on line to shake Fathers hand and chat with him for a moment as I do every Sunday. I had missed him the last few weeks because we had a visiting priest from Africa. As I was waiting a big family of obviously Irish people pushed their way into the church. They were all dressed in their Sunday best and were obviously there for a Christening. So they pushed all the regulars out of the way to talk to Father Chris. There must have been twenty of them. Father just looked at me and shrugged. What can you do?
I just left to go open the store.
What got me is that none of the people who were there for the christening came in for the Mass. It seemed that they had stood outside until Mass was over. What was that about? Where they just waiting for the cafeteria to open? These were obviously very affluent people who every expensive clothes and jewels and cars parked illegally outside. Not the widows and working class people who make up the congregation who struggle to put a few bucks in the collection plate each week. Sometimes I think the Jews have it right. They charge big bucks for their ceremonies. Whatever.
I don't think the way I feel makes me a good Catholic. In fact it probably makes me a bad one. Maybe a very human one. I am trying to do better with it. "The last shall be first and the first shall be last."
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Friday, September 19, 2014
The Captain is at the end of his string
It is almost the end of the line for the Captain Derek Jeter. Only tonights game and a few games against the Orioles are left of his Yankee career.
Tonight is very interesting because it is against the Tampa Bay Rays.
I bet that this is the team that he is going to buy after he retires.
So it went pretty well....but why do you feel let down?
Well the wholesale event with the Japanese went pretty well yesterday. They bought twice as much as the season before. That is a pretty good progression and by any reasonable estimate it was great. Of course when you measure all of the work that went in to it you can't help but be a little disappointed. I guess you hopes are always so much more than your expectations. I can't complain at all. We just have to work at increasing our wholesale market. We have a pretty good start.
We set it up in the new back store and got it all ready for the opening. The buyers sat through the presentation and then went through the rack and photographed and wrote up what they ordered. They did 25 different styles which is pretty great. It took a while to get through them all.
We had presents for them. Italian cookies and a small gift.
They were impressed by my Matsui Bobble head though. So there is that.
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Here we go again!
We have been super busy as usual.
The back store is almost ready and it looks like we will have a soft opening this weekend. And no....a soft opening is not what you think it is your dirty bastards.
But the big thing is that the Japanese are coming in to see the spring line tomorrow and we have been working feverishly the past few weeks making samples and getting the line sheet together so we can sell to Isetan. It has been crazy.
The back store is almost ready and it looks like we will have a soft opening this weekend. And no....a soft opening is not what you think it is your dirty bastards.
But the big thing is that the Japanese are coming in to see the spring line tomorrow and we have been working feverishly the past few weeks making samples and getting the line sheet together so we can sell to Isetan. It has been crazy.
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
It's a shame when you catch a series on Netflicks and it is already canceled.
That is what happened to me with a gritty cop series set in Detroit called "Low Winter Sun." It is an adaptation of a British series and is pretty cool.
It is about corrupt cops who murder another dirty cops and white gangsters trying to survive in a chocolate city. Very much like "The Wire" or Elmore Leonard or Loren Estleman's novels. I can't give it any higher praise.
There are only ten episodes though so it will be really short lived. Meanwhile dreck like CSI and Criminal Minds go on and on.
Another walk on the Boardwalk
Boardwalk Empire is back and I didn't even know it!
It started up again two weeks ago and I had to catch up on demand. I like to watch it to see the depiction of the gangster and Mafia doings in the 1930's. I am a student of that era so I enjoy seeing how they change and distort it. Which is fine since this fiction after all.
They have jumped forward seven years to 1931 when Prohibition is about the change. The covered the end of the Castellemarse war with the famous hit of Joe Masaria in Coney Island. Soon they will show the hit on Maranzano and the setting up of the Commission by Lucky and Meyer. Plus they are hitting the era of Capone and Ness in Chicago.
One of the most interesting subplots is Knucky going to get investors so he could start importing Barcardi rum after Prohibition is repealed. In the meeting he is questioned by Joe Kennedy the father of JFK and RFK. As many know (and many do not) he was a gangster who partnered up with Luciano and Lanksy and other bootleggers. I have almost never seen him as a character in a story about that era and his involvement in crime which was the foundation of the Kennedy fortune. So it is going to be really, really interesting to see how they are going to handle this.
The Americans
I went to CVS yesterday to renew my heart pills and there was a huge line at the counter. It seem that they a new clerk who was a tribesman who barely spoke English and had tribal scars on his face like Seal. You could not understand what the hell he was saying because his accent was so thick that it was incomprehensible. Just the person you want in charge of getting you the right medication.
Usually you walk in and out. There would be at most three people in front of you. Here there were ten and it was an ordeal for every person to get their medication. Two people in front of me was an elderly neighbor of mine. He is about eighty five and a vet of both Korea and Vietnam. He is a little slow these days but still has all of his marbles. When he got to the counter there was a big problem. The clerk couldn't understand his name and became increasing nasty in a accent that we couldn't understand. I had to intervene. I asked my neighbor what he was there for and told the guy behind the counter but he just couldn't follow it or get it done. It got bad. The pharmacist had to rush over to take over. He is Korean with his own accent but at least you can sort of communicate with him. Nobody who works in this CVS is a native American. We got Nino his pills and sent him on his way.
It just makes you think.
Monday, September 15, 2014
Hey stop staring at my gun.....
"Look Mineo. We don't like your kind in Dodge City."
"What Sicilians?"
"No. And stop staring at my gun."
"What Sicilians?"
"No. And stop staring at my gun."
Whose that girl?
She was a big time Broadway Actress who had a bunch of TV guest starring roles in the 1970's and 1980's. I firmly remember her stint as a prostitute/madam on Police Story. In fact I am firm just thinking about it.
She is also famous for how much this Polish guy hated her guts. So much so that he quit his TV show so she wouldn't get Alimony.
Whose that girl that the Polish guy hated?
Why the NFL is turning into the St. Patrick Day's Parade
It is not just that they are letting the gays in.
It is that they are selling out to political correctness for money. The NFL is under attack. From the demands that a substandard affirmative action gay loser be on an NFL roster to forcing the Redskins to change their name to the current nonsense about firing the commissioner because some black dude beat up his wife. It is just an attempt to pussify and feminize the NFL. Look if some dude beats up a woman it is up to her brothers and father to take revenge. Or she can go to the cops. If he is convicted then they should throw the book at him. But it is not the job of the NFL to police other peoples marriage. Or to fire their executives if they don't measure up to the desires of NOW or the Feminazi's or the cocoa sipping nancy boys like Keith Olberman and Bob Costas. Fuck the networks. They are not going to drop the NFL. If they do there are plenty of other networks that will take them on. Lets face it. The NFL is the reason that most people take the networks on their packages. The cable companies is trying to force the networks to not be part of the "bundle" but be packaged in a piece by piece ala carte choice. Without the NFL why would you want to pay for some of these networks? I mean NBC. Seriously. The NFL has the power. Stop being pussies and lay the switch to them like they are four years old.
But like the Church hierarchy and the NFL has lost their balls and are surrendering to the forces of political correctness. We once were led by men like Cardinal Spellman and Pope John Paul II and Vince Lombardi and Wellington Mara and George Halas. Those guys are gone. The ethos is gone. They are selling out for money.
Sunday, September 14, 2014
MY GOD ....THEY OPENED AN ANOMALY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Get Conner and Abby on the phone! It looks like an anomaly opened on Court St and a dinosaur has escaped."
Sometimes you can't understand the world.......
I was quite confused this morning. I must have changed the time on my alarm clock this morning because when it rang I got up and washed up and stumbled over to St. Mary's. But it was locked up tight. I couldn't understand it. Then I looked at my watch and saw that it was 9:00 instead of 10:00 so I was an hour early.
That never happens. I am never early.
So I decided to go and do some quick grocery shopping to get stuff I needed for tonight. We are getting ready to show our line to Japan for the next season so I might be too late to shop on the way home. I get all of my stuff and get to the check out line. As I am standing there I looked over and saw the Sunday Daily News. This was the front page:
This is what I had to look out before Mass.
Today was the feast of the "Cross Triumphant." Celebrating the Cross and what it stands for. The cross that Jesus died on. That he was martyred on by the forces of evil of his day. Today there are martyrs who are being killed by the forces of evil of our day. This man was not a soldier. He was not a journalist. He was an aide worker. He brought help and succor to the destitute. He was doing good works and saving lives.
He was killed by President Obama's friends. You know the ones that can not be mocked. The religion of peace. The ones he supports in every way he can. The one who he demands we not speak against. That we not slander.
This is what we have come to in this country.
An innocent dies. A good man is martyred by terrorist animals. Our President goes off to golf and fund raise.
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Whose that girl with the other girl?
She was famous for pretending she was dating Martin Luther King but in fact she really liked the fish taco. A white blue eyed soul singer who a bunch of hits in the 1960's she was ahead of her times. Or gave head ahead of her times. Or something.
Anyway whose that girl?
Anyway whose that girl?
For a minute there I thought this was dateline Madison Wisconsin
Ryan Watenpaugh, a 34-year-old California man, was arrested and accused of a heinous act of retribution against an estranged former girlfriend. Watenpaugh allegedly killed and cooked his ex-girlfriend’sdog, served it to her under a ruse that it was beef, then rubbed it in her face with a deplorable text asking her how her missing pet tasted.
Writes the Huffington Post: “Ryan Eddy Watenpaugh denied roasting the missing Pomeranian when police arrested him on Thursday. The Palo Cedro man did, however, admit that he left the dog's severed paws on his former girlfriend's doorstep, authorities said. The victim told police that she fled Watenpaugh after an Aug. 4 fight in which he allegedly assaulted her. When she returned, the suspect and her dog, named Bear, were gone.”
The Shasta County man (mug shot seen here) was booked into jail in lieu of $250,000 bond. He was charged with domestic violence, false imprisonment, stalking and animal cruelty. When investigators searched his home, they also turned over an AK-47 assault rifle and ammunition.
Says the Sacramento Bee:
According to a written statement by Redding police, a woman reported on Tuesday that she was being stalked by Watenpaugh, whom she had dated for several months. She said he had physically attacked her numerous times, causing bruises and minor cuts, and had held her captive twice.
After the pair broke up in early August, they reconciled, despite the fact that Watenpaugh was physically abusive to his unnamed girlfriend. Last week, he cooked her a meal, then reportedly sent her a text message that said: “How does your dog taste?” Additional morbid texts came from Watenpaugh, telling the woman what he planned to do with other parts of the dog’s remains.
The woman told police that on Sept. 9, at about 1 a.m., she heard a vehicle pull into her driveway. She said she looked out and saw Watenpaugh leave a small paper bag at her doorstep. Inside were her Pomeranian's two front paws.
"It set all of us back when we actually read the text messages about the incident," Sgt Todd Cogle said. "You can really get the sense from reviewing the text messages that the relationship was extremely toxic. It was a pressure cooker of anger and resentment."
Watenpaugh admits to placing the bag of paws on her porch, but denies having cooked her dog. Additional charges are expected, including a weapons violation charge for the AK-47
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