Sunday, September 21, 2014

Where have all the stories gone......

I have been in a creative dry spell lately as I have not been working my continuing series the way I used to do earlier in the year. Even when it cries out for a "Hell Needs a New PA Announcer" I just can't get enough time to spend to write it out.

Part of it is the new store. The Japan order. My new office area. We are so busy that we leave my computer home where I compose most of the stories. Also we have been staying up on the second floor instead of downstairs where I would sit in my chair while the wife talked on the phone. She is often on the phone for a couple of hours after we get home and I would take the time to write. But when we are upstairs I just sit around and use the Ipad which is really only good for commenting. I really can only write on my computer.

Maybe the colder weather will give me more time to be creative. I know I miss it. It also leads to fewer comments and less interest. But you gotta do what you gotta do.


ndspinelli said...

You are not Lucy, we are not Ricky, and you don't have no "'splainin' to do."

MamaM said...

Is that babe one of the visitors to your new store? The wallpaper looks familiar.

TrooperYork said...


Lisa would hit her with a bat.