Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Another walk on the Boardwalk

Boardwalk Empire is back and I didn't even know it!

It started up again two weeks ago and I had to catch up on demand. I like to watch it to see the depiction of the gangster and Mafia doings in the 1930's. I am a student of that era so I enjoy seeing how they change and distort it. Which is fine since this fiction after all.

They have jumped forward seven years to 1931 when Prohibition is about the change. The covered the end of the Castellemarse war with the famous hit of Joe Masaria in Coney Island. Soon they will show the hit on Maranzano and the setting up of the Commission by Lucky and Meyer. Plus they are hitting the era of Capone and Ness in Chicago.

One of the most interesting subplots is Knucky going to get investors so he could start importing Barcardi rum after Prohibition is repealed. In the meeting he is questioned by Joe Kennedy the father of JFK and RFK. As many know (and many do not) he was a gangster who partnered up with Luciano and Lanksy and other bootleggers. I have almost never seen him as a character in a story about that era and his involvement in crime which was the foundation of the Kennedy fortune. So it is going to be really, really interesting to see how they are going to handle this.


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

So far so good. I like Terrence Winter's stuff.

Trooper York said...

The stuff in the mental hospital is weird.

I am having an argument with the wife about the scene in the storeroom with the guard. I say that she is a lesbian and Gillian is going to have to put out for the paper and pen she got to write letters. The wife said it was just for the dress she gave.

But then she always thinks it is about the dress.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I thought the same thing, that the guard would be all "Orange is the New Black" old school addition...and then it is all how do I look?

windbag said...

I haven't watched Boardwalk Empire, and no virtually nothing about it, but it would be cool if they had nicknames like "The Iron" and "The Wheelbarrow," don't you think?

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

They used to have those tub covers at the old time spas didn't they to hold the heat in when you were getting the mineral baths.

If there was lithium in the water, who knows, it might have actually helped.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

windbag, no.

But that is me.