Thursday, November 13, 2008

Cat fight at Althouse

The girls at Althouse are mixing it up about Sarah Palin and it is a lot of fun. The claws are coming out over this one. Plus the number of comments on threads about her are unbelievable. I just wish if they are going to tussle like that, we could get some mud or jello or something into the mix.


Asante Samuel said...

I'll just take your word for it.

Trooper York said...

Hey they threw down and call each other out....I threw out this post as bait to see if they come over here to mix it up...some of our favorites got into it like knox and reader iam....I mixed up some jello just in case.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Do not get in the middle of that Trooper. Cause I bet Althouse would jump in and then all three would put the boots to you. Not in a good way either. Heh.

reader_iam said...

I threw out this post as bait to see if they come over here to mix it up

Not on your life, dude.

reader_iam said...

You wanna sponsor a fight? Put up a stake, take a side. (Put in a stake, take up a side.)

Heh, either way.


By the way, I've been meaning for a while to suggest that you add another persona/pseudonym to your stable:




blake said...

Palin's traffic magic.

reader_iam said...

Whatever you say, Blake.

Trooper York said...

Hey I already have a few new non de plumes floating around on various web sites. My monicker is too well known now so I have to wear a Bobby Valentine fake mustache.

Trooper York said...

And reader, you are very feisty these days. You must be taking your vitamens. Knox is the coolest and you guys shouldn't get into it.
Just sayn'

blake said...

Whatever you say, Blake.

Isn't it interesting how a few words can convey so much contempt? Especially over the Internet, where there's no intonation, no facial or body cues, nothing.

And the person who writes those words can deny any emotional feeling behind them, since no one was around to observe them being written. Might even be true.

The limitations of the medium are distinct.

reader_iam said...

Palin's traffic magic.

reader_iam said...

And the person who writes those words can deny any emotional feeling behind them, since no one was around to observe them being written. Might even be true.

You're speculating on whether a denial that didn't take place is true or not? Is there a question there?

I do not deny emotional feeling around those words, as it happens, though contempt isn't the specific emotion--however, since I didn't specify nor clarify and there's insufficient context, that's entirely my problem and I can't complain about how it was interpreted.

blake said...

So...setting aside whatever misunderstandings etc. etc. etc....are you saying you don't think Palin generates a lot of traffic at Althouse?