Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Let's go to the video tape.

Well last night we had a bunch of comedies taped so we could watch them when we couldn't fall asleep again. This one stupid show called Worst Week Ever is pretty funny. It's all about this yuppie guy who is a klutz and always gets into scrapes and breaks stuff. It's a copy from a British show and is kinda goofy and fun. Mindless entertainment is best to help you sleep.

Of course two bottles of wine helps too.


blake said...

Maybe you could use three bottles and skip the TV.

(I love the "context sensitive" Google ad on your site: Be a State Trooper?)

Asante Samuel said...

Studies show that old Seahawks-Raiders games help one fall asleep.

Or any old E-A-G-L-E-S game where Norm Snead was playing QB. 1968 would be a good season to choose.

Trooper York said...

Hey Norm was worse when he played for the Giants. This week is the anniversy of the Joe Pizarceck game. The worm has turned baby!

Did I tell you lately that the Giants won the Super Bowl?

Asante Samuel said...

I'll ask Donovan McNabb, he'll know. Or maybe Andy Reid.