Well the condiment poll is over and it is a big upset. The Midwest must have been over sampled because Mayonnaise was the big winner. What the heck is that all about.
The final results"
Mayonnaise 29
Mustard 20
Worcestershire sauce 22
Ketchup 13
Horseradish sauce 5
I can't believe that Ketchup got beat so badly. Man that is a surprise.
Next up, who are the coolest motorcycle people?
Next up, who are the coolest motorcycle people?
Oh hell Steve McQueen.
You can do a lot with mayo, like put it in sauces, on sandwiches, in salads. You can even make your own mayo. Try doing that with mustard or ketchup.
Geez, last time I checked, mustard was way in the lead.
Eternal vigilance, people.
How could "mustard" the most bold and literate of all condiments lose to Mayo?
Mayo - the blandest (and most unhealthy) of all condiments.
Ballot stuffing anyone?
Yeah, somebody stuffed the ballot box.
When I was 6 my aunt told me a disgusting joke involving mayonnaise, a blender and a frog. I didn't eat mayonnaise again until I was 30.
I made ketchup once, when I was tired of canning tomatoes plain. It was awful.
How you gonna make an egg salad sandwich without mayo, huh?
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