The original Flintstones broke at about the same time as the Beatles. The stars of the show were blow to the four winds. Wilma got a bit part on the Mary Tyler Moore show as Rhoda’s mother and a dish washing liquid commercial. Betty moved to Rock Vegas to open a brothel. Barney died in a motorcyle crash while high on Meth. And Fred became a professional bowler. The one cast member who had the strangest path was Dino. He was working as a technical advisor on the movie Caveman with Ringo Starr and made friends with Ringo’s wife Barbara Bach who always had a soft spot for gay dinosaurs. She introduced him to a cutting edge group of gay and bi-sexual rockers like David Bowie and Freddie Mecury. They were all very impressed by two things. Dino’s musical talent and his enormous dinosaur cock. But why should that be a surprise. After Bedrock is where Rock lives.
(John Deacon, Behind the Music: the Dino Flintstone story)
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